Thursday, September 19, 2024

Oral Delivery System Is A New Paradigm of Diabetes Care

Oral Delivery System Is A New Paradigm of Diabetes Care

Diabetes is and will always be a prevalent condition among people today. Affecting ~0.5 Billion individuals across the globe, it has become a chronic health problem that can have significant consequences on an individual’s overall well-being. Compounded by Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes that were previously unheard of, and possibly incurable conditions, it’s a pandemic in the making. Fortunately, the fight against diabetes is not hopeless. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the discovery of insulin – the miracle drug that has transformed diabetes into a manageable condition.

Responsible for saving countless lives, today insulin is widely available and used to treat people with diabetes with its proven results. However, despite its benefits, insulin does not come without its challenges, especially its delivery system, which is still not quite comfortable and effective. Not to mention the long-term side effects, which despite being known to a patient are not easy to accept. In search of a better and more convenient solution, scientists and doctors have been experimenting with a new alternative to insulin to treat diabetes, which is the key to conquering it. In fact, an oral delivery system that can provide long-term insulin therapy has been developed and has been tested successfully in a clinical trial.

Invented by biopharmaceutical company Diabetology, which is dedicated to the development of innovative products to improve the management of healthcare, the Axcess Oral Delivery System is a new paradigm of diabetes care. Diabetology recently completed their phase 2b clinical trial to prove the efficacy of their Axcess Oral Delivery System for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Diabetology’s Cofounders Glen Travers and Dr. Roger New, with decades of experience in pharmaceutical research and development (R&D), saw the potential of a new delivery system for insulin therapy. Testing its product on its own, they developed a treatment plan that dramatically enhances the absorption of peptides along with every other necessary protein and vitamin across the intestinal barrier. In doing so, they have proven that their delivery system is a viable treatment option for patients with diabetes.

According to Dr. Roger New, the new oral delivery system will be an effective treatment option that will significantly increase insulin effectiveness and reduce the cost of insulin for patients. Moreover, unlike current methods of insulin delivery, there will be no more painful needles and there will be no risk of accidental needle sticks. Further expanding on his thoughts, he said, “The impact will be felt by both the patients and the healthcare system. Since the absorption through intestinal walls is so much faster than injection insulin, the resultant deliver to the receptors in the liver which is the site of insulin effect will be faster.”

Glen Travers adds that Diabetology is committed to provide superior treatment options to patients with diabetes and to help them live their lives to the fullest. Glen further explains, “We aim to continue bringing new treatment options and hope that this time, we will bring an effective, painless insulin delivery system that can be used and be accepted in patients. We will work with every major healthcare provider and hospital to bring diabetes management care to a whole new level while being in compliance with every necessary and strict government regulation.”

Remote Care That Provides Convenience and Comfort for Patients

Covid-19 Pandemic has affected every aspect of society, regardless of whether you are in the UK, United States, or other parts of the world. Capable of affecting the core of an individual’s health, it has affected people’s lives significantly, and more so in patients with diabetes. Suffering from the condition, patients find it difficult to keep track of their health and their glucose levels. In fact, they require constant monitoring and treatment for it. To mate the matter worse the healthcare system in most countries has been put under enormous pressure, and as a result, the general living conditions of the society have suffered immensely. And as if this news were not bad enough for diabetic patients, NHS report confirms that 1 in every 3 deaths in UK hospitals was a diabetic patient. So, what is the solution? Telemedicine.

Telemedicine is already being used to provide remote care to patients, which helps them receive treatment without having to travel, and most importantly, it saves them time and money. A true epitome of convenience, one of the most reliable telemedicine tools available today is the medical apps and software that empowers individuals and healthcare providers to consult their patients via teleconferencing and video call. This method of healthcare delivery provides patients with the right treatment and consultation, at the right time and from anywhere in the world.

One another smart healthcare technology that is gaining popularity today in telemedicine is the smart pressure-sensing insole which actively monitors patients’ feet’ skin temperature to warn of diabetic foot ulcers and other life-threatening conditions. By using it, physicians can easily prevent long-term complications and improve a patient’s recovery, while increasing their quality of life. In fact, a recent study conducted by Manchester Metropolitan University and Boulton’s group concluded that this technology in tandem with a professional medical intervention resulted in the prevention of up to 71% of foot ulcers among diabetics.

Digital Health Technologies Are Paving The Way For Greater Wellness

Healthcare is not an easy industry to work in, and it is only getting more complex by the day. So, in order to provide the best care to patients, healthcare providers need tools that not only empower them but also make their lives a little bit easier. In fact, digitizing healthcare technology will ultimately result in higher patient satisfaction and higher quality of service.

The bottom line is the future of healthcare lies in digital health technologies. And one significant digitized technology that is likely to change the face of healthcare and diabetes, in general, is continuous glucose monitoring (CGM). CGM empowers individuals to efficiently manage their health by allowing them to actively monitor their glucose levels using their smartphones while it allows physicians to provide better, proactive care and interventions.

According to Matt Schmidt, founder of Diabetes Life Solutions, “technology has enabled individuals from all walks of life to manage their diabetes themselves in a much more effective way, allowing them to live independently and get on with their lives.” And he’s right, given that the latest advanced diabetes technologies, such as closed-loop hybrid systems, have been approved by the NHS for the pilot program, which is certainly a step in the right direction for diabetes patients.

Over the years, diabetes technology has shown that it is indeed a powerful tool that has the potential to bring about a paradigm shift in the lives of diabetic patients.  Technology is even helping people with Diabetes achieve discounted rates on health and life insurance premiums.  Life insurance for diabetics may be discounted for those who use Insulin Pumps, or CGM devices.   And even though, a lot of effort is still required to make the technology more efficient and more accessible, it is no doubt true that the advent of technology has empowered diabetic patients like never before.