Online event: this is how you grab your audience’s attention!

Online event: this is how you grab your audience’s attention!

The last couple of years drastically changed the way we live our daily lives – due to the ongoing pandemic, various restrictions have been put in place to reduce the risk of virus spread. This, unfortunately, meant that many social events were forced to cancel, and regular meetings and conferences were harder and harder to organize with safety in mind.

Thankfully, we’re not living in the Middle Ages anymore – it’s the 21st century and we have the Internet, which gives the possibility of creating online events, which allow us to meet with others either for fun or for work safely from a remote location.

What are online events all about and how to maximize your audience’s attention when creating one? That’s what we’re here to find out:

What is an online event? What software should I use?

If you’ve never been a part of an online event, they are an extremely handy tool for business, teaching, music events, skill courses, and many other types of social activities that previously required your physical presence at location. Nowadays, using the Internet and appropriate software, you can hold all of these event types online, with each of the guests being able to access it from any place and a device of their choice.

Because of the pandemic, many academic courses and classes at school have been changed into online mode – an online event, made using software like Google Meet or Zoom, can allow students to all join together from their homes and learn just like they were used to.

There’s a variety of programs to choose from when creating an online event, and each will work better for different uses. For example, Slack is one of the most popular business instant messaging apps and can be easily synchronized with Trello, Zoom, and other popular apps. It’s great for managing projects and offers communication over text as well as audio and video. Zoom, on the other hand, is one of the simplest apps for creating online events, offering a streamlined user interface. It’s easy to use and can be used for free – but only up to 40 minutes.

How to captivate your audience at an online event?

 There are plenty of factors that determine whether an online event is successful or not. Make sure you have all the right equipment needed – the basic necessities are a fast and stable internet connection, a good quality webcam, a proper microphone, as well as software of your choice. You should always choose the software for an online event based on the type of event and your audience.

Make sure the event is happening at a convenient time for your audience – if you’re expecting international guests, remember to take different time zones into account. It’s also a good idea to promote your event if you want to increase the attendance. You can advertise the event online, using social media to reach new audience members.

The bigger the event you’re planning, the more messy it can get – make sure to have some moderators who will keep control over the audience, especially if you’re hosting a public event.