Online vs Land-Based gaming

Online vs Land-Based gaming

Online casinos are becoming increasingly popular. They have also offered a great deal of needed fun and an alternative to real land activities that were once confined to them. After land-based gambling has opened its doors a new battle between online and brick-and-mortar casinos is gaining momentum. How will land-based gambling take over? Is online gambling still a trend? This article will discuss two types of casinos in detail and the pros and cons that they offer, and we hope it helps with your decision about which one is a good choice.

The Pros and Cons of Online casinos:

Pro-Anytime Access

You are not restricted to playing in a single physical location because an online casino is based on a website or a mobile app. You are ready to go as long as you have your device—which could be your PC, laptop, or smartphone—and a functional internet connection. You quickly place a wager in one round of roulette if you’re sitting in traffic. There is no need to physically travel there because you can hold the casino in your hands or take it around electronically.

Pro-Thousands of Online Slots and Casino Games

It’s already a big win to see hundreds of slot machines running in onshore casinos. At online casinos, there are tens of thousands of choices for all legitimate websites and apps. Is the slot machine yours? Depending on your game design, you can add online slots with different skins, jackpot amounts, and special mechanics. How about an online poker game? You can play all the variations of poker at any time.

In addition, some online casinos have further refined mechanics and gameplay. There are thousands of options on just one website or app. Multiply this by 1000 times (or 10,000 times) to get the number of game options and access everything directly from your device.


One of the common concerns of gamblers is privacy. This is tied to the stigma surrounding problematic gamblers and the idea of ​​safety (especially when huge amounts of money are involved). On the other hand, someone just doesn’t want to bother you-people who bother you with annoying little stories or strangers who sometimes get too strange or too friendly for some reason. At online casinos, no one knows what you play, when you play, and how much you win. Everything is between you and the online platform of your choice. In addition, VPNs can also be used to mask IP addresses and real locations, so even online casinos can’t even know where you are.

Con-Cyber Crime

Since they must be safe to continue operating, playing in a legitimate online casino is typically safe. However, there’s always the risk of cyber crime in online gaming that may harm your device and your data may be stolen if you’re unfortunate enough to sign up for or at least visit a phoney online casino.

Your personal information, financial information, and the compromise of your device through malware, or worse, ransomware, are some cybersecurity risks associated with playing at a phoney online casino. Customer’s credit card information being compromised is the most frequent type of cyberattack they encounter. These attackers can utilize your credit card to make illicit online purchases if the situation is not immediately resolved.

Con-Prolonged Withdrawals

This is a common problem with many online casinos. Withdrawals take a long time and there are many confusing processes. Don’t get me wrong-they pay you for the prizes you have accumulated, but some online casinos have to make it difficult for you to get your money.

Some people do this by limiting withdrawals to specific days of the week and very long processing times (7 to 30 business days). Some have surprisingly high minimum withdrawal requirements (some have at least $ 1,000 or more). In addition, some people make themselves difficult by charging most of their profits with “processing fees.” A few dollars may be enough, but a fee of $ 35 or more is a ridiculous amount to “process” something.

Con-Simulated Result

For those of you who don’t know, online casinos maintain a fair gaming environment for all online games played via a random number generator. This is the algorithm used to randomize the outcome of a game in the same way that a legitimate land-based casino game produces random outcomes. These results are not based on researchable and predictable patterns or mathematical operations.

However, some online casinos use PRNG or pseudo-random number generators instead. This algorithm still returns a “random number”, but the problem is that it’s not really random. Simply put, PRNG uses mathematics to calculate the sequence it provides. For those with the right know-how, this element can be abused and thus give some people a fair advantage.

The Pros and Cons of Land-Based Casinos

Pro-Casino Immersion

The real deal is unmatched. The “authentic” atmosphere of a casino, includes the noise, the smell of other players’ cigarettes, the sound of the dice rolling or the ball landing on the wheel, the opportunity to use and observe real slot machines, and the opportunity to play with real cards, can sometimes be more enjoyable for some players than playing the games they know and love virtually at an online casino.

Not only that, playing at a land-based casino often involves an endless supply of your favourite drinks, from champagne to beer to any small casino bonus you can think of. Sometimes they even have a bar where you can rest and have a drink. At online casinos, you can experience games and revenue in the app, but you can only get a “real” casino experience from a land company.

Pro-Escape from everyday life

The advantage of land-based casinos is that they can “escape” the stress and pressure of everyday life for hours, even a day or even a few days. Online casinos can also give you a “break”, but don’t dig deeper into how you do at a regular casino.

You can also visit the casino part of your vacation in places like Las Vegas, visit your hometown, or take a quick break from work. This allows you to relax, have fun, and have a delicious drink between games. A planned casino vacation is also a good way to relieve all the stress and pressure of work and business and refresh your mental state.

Pro-Chance to go sightseeing

Visiting an athletics casino can also mean seeing famous tourist sports around the world. You already know the glittering lights and skyscrapers of Las Vegas, Nevada. Did you know that other cities are known worldwide for the best casinos?

Macau is often considered the top candidate for Las Vegas when it comes to large casinos. This Chinese city sometimes referred to as “Monte Carlo in the East,” has more than 30 casino facilities. Of course, there is Monte Carlo in Monaco, Marina Bay in Singapore (a growing economic powerhouse in Asia), London in the United Kingdom and San Jose in Costa Rica.

Besides seeing tourist destinations, playing at a casino on land can also help increase the local income of that location. It supports their business, helps create jobs for more people, and provides overall benefits to the local economy.


Let’s say you want to pay for some slots in your spare time. If you want to do this at a casino on land, you will have to drive a considerable distance or use public transport to get to the casino. Both are undeniably inconvenient because they are not worth visiting a casino on land. Draw or throw some money on the roulette table to hook some slots.

Con-Limited Games

When you visit a casino on land, you are limited to the games they offer. It’s not just the number of games themselves-you can fit into the game with limited units and limited space. You may have to wait for someone’s turn before you get the chance to play (especially for high rollers, it can take hours).

games are also much slower on land casinos than on online casinos. Instead of happening right away, you have to wait for the dealer to deal cards and spin the roulette wheel. You also have to wait for the dealer to change the shift-giving you more time to play.


Not everyone can handle the crowd. During the high season, casinos are often very crowded and you can literally sweat with strangers as you pass by. This is not very polite. With so many patrons, too many people line up to sit in front of the machine or sit at the table, and you may not even get the chance to play the game.

Both online casinos and land-based casinos offer advantages and disadvantages and it all comes down to a matter of preference.