Saturday, September 14, 2024



February 2018, Cranfield, UK) The 18th Annual Conference & Exhibition hosted by the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (euspen) will undoubtedly cement its position as the premiere networking forum for the precision engineering community.

euspen’s annual event attracts a uniquely high calibre and focused audience of leading experts from the commercial, academic, and research communities working in the area of micro and nano manufacturing.

Upwards of 450 attendees come to the 3 day event to access the internationally renowned conference, and also to spend quality time discussing strategic alliances and partnership opportunities with exhibitors.

This year the conference and exhibition will be held 4-8 June in Venice, Italy, and will attract attendees from key sectors including medical, automotive, optics and photonics, telecommunications, MEMs, semi-conductors and micro-electronics, aerospace and defence, machine tools, and nanotechnology.

Everything about the euspen annual event is designed to promote networking and the setting up of business relationships between technology and service providers and their customers and strategic partners.

Conference attendees access the exhibition each day before, during, and after the conference sessions, and euspen also host the now industry-renowned gala dinner, which is today seen by the precision engineering community as a perfect area for exhibitors to not just meet future customers, but to explore and develop the precise nature of their requirements and forge meaningful business relationships.

In addition, to stimulate cross fertilisation of ideas and experiences, in addition to the on-site opportunities, delegates are able to attend tours that have been arranged to institutions close to the Venice venue. This year delegates can choose from a visit to Consorzio RFX, a research organization that performs scientific and technological research activities in the field of controlled thermonuclear fusion; the Laboratory for Micro and Precision Manufacturing of the University of Padua, which is expert in the development, mastering and exploitation of the enabling technologies for the manufacturing of the future; or Marposs Spa, a leader in precision equipment for measurement and control in the production environment.

The flagship euspen annual Conference and Exhibition is now established as one of the largest and most prestigious gathering of industrial and academic professionals in the precision engineering market, and space at the exhibition is limited, and must be sold on a first come first served basis. There are also a few sponsorship opportunities available for companies wishing to boost their profile to this event’s audience.

To avoid disappointment, and to find out what options are available for you to profile your company at the Annual Event, To find out more about the event please contact Dishi Phillips Business Development Manager at euspen on t. +44 (0)1234 754023 e.

About euspen

The European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (euspen) is an influential community linking industrialists, researchers, respected authorities, new, and established players worldwide. It provides an entrepreneurial platform that enables companies and research institutes to promote their latest technology developments, products, and services and keep up to date with those in the field. euspen’s defined mission is to advance the arts, sciences and technology of precision engineering, micro engineering and nanotechnology; to promote its dissemination through education and training; and to facilitate its exploitation by science and industry.