The Best Events To See When Life Returns To Normal

The Best Events To See When Life Returns To Normal

As one human race, we are all waiting for our lives to get back to normal. Billions of us are appreciating normal life more than ever. Just being able to walk down the street in peace, being able to sit and enjoy a cup of coffee in a cafe or head to the theme park on a hot summer’s day, is so sorely missed. But what everyone is now talking about, is major events that would have taken place if it were not for the pandemic. Get hyped up, get ready to chow down on some cheesy nachos and bear witness to some of the greatest moments in human history, for when life returns back to normal.

Olympics 2021

The Japanese authorities did the right thing, by postponing the Olympics for another year. We were looking forward to watching the greatest athletes in the world compete to be the best. The Olympics will be held in Tokyo, Japan, but the date has been pushed back from July 24 2020, to July 24 2021. What can we expect to see?

Well, this will be the Olympics that has brought back some classics. Greco-Roman wrestling was taken out of the lineup for a while but is not one of the hottest sports to make a return. Football, tennis and so many other mainstream sports like gold are also going to be present. Boxing has made a huge comeback in combat sports and now we’re all waiting to see who will be the next talent to enter the fight to win Olympic gold. 

The return of the game 

Football! Say it loud and proud, football! Soon this amazing sport that brings so many people together, shall return. No matter your race, color, creed or background, football is the one sport that is the universal language we all speak. We’re all waiting for the old tournaments to return to our screens but we will want to enter into the stadiums again. If you want to know which stadiums will have the largest fan presence, look no further than the 10 Biggest Football Stadiums. Wembley stadium has 90,000 fans and the design is such that it has one of the loudest acoustic sounds in the world. The Estadio Azteca has 80,000 fans but it’s also 2165 meters above sea level. It will take some getting used to for fans flying in. The FNB stadium in South Africa has 94,000 fan capacity and will be an amazing place to watch football and rugby.


Movie premiers have been stopped since the virus but we’re all hoping that the red carpet will be rolled out soon. The new Pirates of the Caribbean film series isn’t a reboot but a completely new series with a female lead. We’re also hoping to see the movie premiere of the 3rd instalment of Sicario. An amazing film series that depicts the struggle along the US/Mexico border, centring around drug and people trafficking.

Normal life can’t come back soon enough. Let’s all get excited for these events to return and never again, discount the value they add to our lives.