Tipalti & Everflow Integration Solves A Disastrous Challenge in AdTech

Tipalti & Everflow Integration Solves A Disastrous Challenge in AdTech


Upgraded Integration allows Agencies and Ad Networks to streamline their cash flows by expediting their receivable payments.

Mountain View, Calif., July 2020

One of the most unexpectedly challenging aspects of running a successful AdTech business is handling cash flows. AdTech Networks and Agencies that buy advertising media have to pay for that media immediately, but their advertisers often pay Net 30 terms or even longer. A single delayed payment can spell disaster for these businesses.

It gets worse when the AdTech company is promoting through affiliate partnerships or buying media from other Ad Networks. It is common for AdTech companies to be forced to delay their partner payments as they need to use that money to cover other late payments, creating a dangerously cascading spiral for the businesses involved. As AdXchange puts it:

“The result is intermediaries carry immense debt, to bridge that gap in payment terms, and when an ad tech company goes under, publishers risk losing thousands or even millions of dollars in campaigns that served but were never paid for.” (AdXchanger, 2020)”

Everflow provides a Partner Marketing Platform for brands, Agencies, and Ad Networks to manage all of their performance channels. Initially, they integrated Tipalti to allow clients to make globally compliant payments to their performance partners.

With the newly updated integration, Everflow is now able to offer Tipalti’s NetNow product to all of their clients. NetNow allows Agencies and Ad Networks to accelerate their advertiser invoices, allowing them to remove the painful cash flow gap between billing and receivables. Using NetNow and Tipalti seamless payment processing, these businesses can focus on what matters for them: scaling quality performance for their clients.

“Late and delayed payments to publishers can create a cascade effect that can damage an ad network’s reputation and inventory, or at worst, potentially hurt media companies’ businesses,” says Chen Amit, CEO and Co-Founder at Tipalti. “NetNow tied directly to Everflow enables an optional, seamless experience for publishers to get paid sooner and reduce cash-flow shortfalls at-scale for all publishers regardless of payment size, geography, or risk profile. It’s a significant differentiation for networks to be able to offer this capability.”

This powerful integration helps cement Everflow as the go-to solution for Agencies and Ad Networks to manage their performance relationships both on the advertiser and partner sides. NetNow improves the financial health for both the client and their affiliates by enabling expedited receivables and payments. Affiliates can access NetNow’s accelerated payments, while the client’s finance team maintains their net payment terms, which provides the benefit of additional working capital preservation.

“One of the most painful parts from when I worked at an AdTech Network was having to delay payments to the partners that I directly recruited to promote our advertisers. This conversation happened too many times due to an advertiser from delaying payments due to running low on cash flow.” said Michael Cole, VP of Marketing at Everflow “I’m really excited that our partnership with Tipalti can help save our customers from this pain and help promote a healthy advertising ecosystem.”

If you are interested in learning more about the Everflow and Tipalti partnership, please contact Michael Cole michael@everflow.io or Danielle Brockmeyer danielle.brockmeyer@tipalti.com.

About Tipalti
Tipalti is the only payables automation solution to streamline all phases of the global payables workflow in one holistic cloud platform. Tipalti makes it painless for finance departments to manage their entire supplier payments operation. Leading companies use Tipalti to eliminate up to 80% of their supplier payments workload and accelerate financial close by 25%, helping them enhance the partner payment experience, scale their businesses efficiently with global growth, and strengthen financial and tax compliance controls. Hundreds of companies trust Tipalti to transform their supplier payment operations including Amazon, Twitch, Royal Caribbean, Roku, Zumba, Outbrain, Seeking Alpha, GoDaddy, United Language Group, and Foursquare.

About Everflow
Everflow is the smarter Partner Marketing Platform for driving performance from every partnership: Affiliate, Influencers, In-App, and Media Buying channels. Track performance without links, dive deep into any reporting data point and block fraud automatically. Unlock the true potential of partnerships.

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