Tips on Finding a Quality Nursing Home for Your Loved Ones in New York

Tips on Finding a Quality Nursing Home for Your Loved Ones in New York

Finding a quality home for our loved ones can be very difficult, especially in this day and age. As you might know, an increasing number of residents are experiencing abuse or unfavorable conditions that put their lives at risk.

According to a New York nursing home abuse lawyer, most instances of abuse are not discovered until it’s too late. Therefore, the best way to prevent such things from happening is to do your best to find a quality nursing home for your elders.

Here’s how you can do that!

Always Visit in Person

If times allow it, it’s better to visit a nursing home in person. Since elderly care is taken seriously in most places, you’ll be allowed to thoroughly inspect the nursing home, its staff, and maybe even ask the residents some questions.

Even if you start the interview process, so to speak, in the online environment, it is recommended to switch to in-person visits once you’re able to do so. 

Search for Possibilities Provided by NGOs or the Government

Usually, a variety of non-profit and governmental organizations will compile a list of the best nursing homes in the state. Naturally, in most cases, every single entry on that list is worth giving a shot, as it should have been properly inspected by the authorities.

Pick the One Closest to Your Home

It goes without saying that, if possible, you should go for the establishment that’s the closest to your office or even home. The last thing you want is not being able to visit your elder whenever you feel like it.

On top of that, having the facility nearby allows for impromptu visits that will help you better assess its situation and quality.

Careful of the Chandelier Effect

All nursing homes offer pretty much the same services/treatment. As a result, they have to rely on other tactics to make you choose them. One of them is the well-known chandelier effect.

In short, they either have a much more sophisticated décor than the average nursing home or a higher cost than the surrounding facilities. For most people, this gives the impression of quality – but, in some cases, it’s just the opposite!

Inspect Rating Details Carefully

Medicare has a rating system that rates nursing homes throughout the country. However, it has a couple of flaws. For example, the majority of five-star aspects will rate the nursing home as a five-star establishment, even if the staff has been graded with only two stars.

It’s always recommended to look into the details or fine-print of such ratings. Never trust an overall rating given to a nursing home, as it might hide some of the truth.

The Bottom Line

Overall, some might not find a nursing home that they think is fit for their loved ones, mainly because they want their elders to be really taken care of. Our advice would be to never settle for less and keep looking for an establishment that fits your needs.

Even if it might seem like an impossible task, there are places and people out there that will give everything they have for the care and wellbeing of our loved ones!