The 6 Changes you can Make to Revolutionise your 2021 Digital Ad Season

The 6 Changes you can Make to Revolutionise your 2021 Digital Ad Season

If you are feeling the pressure of poor performance after the closing quarters of 2020, then this year’s advertising campaigns probably need an overhaul. Here are our favourite social media and marketing campaigns for you to run if you want a successful 2021.

The 6 Best Ways to Change your Marketing Campaigns for the Better

Marketing campaigns have never been so tough. Let us get to grips with advertising in a post-pandemic world.

1 – The importance of 8 tier marketing

If you want your marketing campaign to generate more traffic, you need to spend time in the planning.

Since we are an expert media marketing firm, we have developed an 8-tier marketing system, designed to get to grips with those pesky planning problems. This system ensures your firm gets the most out of its marketing campaigns, and therefore better ROI.

Try these 8 steps to crafting a successful campaign:

  • Analyse what is happening in your sector/industry
  • Analyse what your competitors are doing
  • Create an accurate overview of the target audience
  • Start channelling towards your site from elsewhere on the web
  • Examine the creative elements of your campaigns
  • Network with experts in your field
  • Create accurate profit projections to guide you
  • And then you are ready to begin!

Stick to these 8 tiers of developing a marketing plan and you will thrive.

2 – Get Online (and then some)

The digital marketplace is more important now than it has ever been. If you do not have an online presence, you might as well shut up shop and go home.

If you are in the beginning stages of moving your business online – then congratulations! Follow these hot takes on how to get traffic and call in the experts if you need additional information.

  1. Develop a plan – having that 8-tier marketing plan we talked about above already in operation will spare you stress here. Plan out your content and when you should post it. Consider how to drive engagement.
  2. Arm yourself – the digital age requires a great digital toolbox. Check out tools like Hootsuite[i] or Moviemaker[ii] and see how they could boost your online presence.
  3. Network online – you can network online just like you used to do in the real world. Use social media accounts to get connected and push your brand.

3 – Stronger Together

If you want to grow, you need to get on board with the new trends. With partnerships in digital marketing set to skyrocket this year, be sure to cash in by finding some collaborations of your own.

Working in harmony with other businesses allows you to tap into their reach, as well as vice-versa. Both brands get the bonus of additional custom, and both brands get the chance at greater engagement because of that.

When choosing a firm to partner up with, make sure they are a complementary business to your own. For example, a hotel advertising for a taxi firm, and a taxi firm that advertises a hotel, is beneficial for all involved.

There are different kinds of partnerships you might make in the marketing world. According to research[iii], some of these are:

  • Affiliate Marketing – many firms work with Amazon, for example, to sell products that complement their own.
  • Webinar/Podcast Marketing – give a lecture or podcast as a guest.
  • Influencer Marketing – When clients see a favourite influencer using your product, they are more likely to buy themselves.
  • Co-habitation – sharing sales outlets can help everyone share costs.
  • Loyalty Schemes – giving discount codes for other sites is a great way to drive mutual traffic.

4 – Take Advantage of Social Media Advertising

Facebook, one of the biggest social media platforms, sees about a billion users in your average month. This makes it a great place to advertise, boost profits, and encourage new consumers to look your way. Even if your social media marketing spends are low, the rewards can be huge.

When dealing with social media advertising, keep this in mind:

  • You can automate to boost those ads that perform best, or to stop ads that are no use.
  • You can funnel footfall and get better analytics on your retargeting measures.
  • Using Facebook ads allows you to target different audiences for feedback.
  • Make sure you hold your copywriter and designer frequently.
  • Use the Pixel code to get accurate feedback on your Facebook clients.

KPIs should help you monitor the success of your Facebook ads. Watching your CPC, CPA and ROAS can all help. If ads are successful, then thinking about scalability is the next step.

5 – Drive Traffic with your Online Content

With the pandemic’s economic influence playing on all our minds, content marketing has never been more important. As we all sacrifice advertising spends in exchange for keeping the doors open, we could be turning a creative eye over our content, to opt for a no-frills digital marketing solution.

The 2021 consumer wants an expert firm that can answer all their product/service-related questions. They want honesty, transparency, and knowledge. We can give them all these things through a well-placed content marketing campaign.

Amuse or enlighten your clients with the following types of content:

  • Webinars and podcasts
  • Free online courses
  • A book written by you, on your area of expertise.
  • Go Live on Facebook, TikTok, or another social media channel.
  • Pass out infographics
  • Create videos
  • Write a blog every week

All these things can highlight areas of success and engage the user. Although these things take time, the rewards are endless.

6 – Become Customer Driven

Listening to your consumers and acting on their feedback is some of the most valuable marketing tools you have. Spending time improving the users experience of your product, service, or site, has a better return than any other strategy.

If you want to improve the end user’s experience with your brand, try changing the following things:

  • Less is more on your website, a smooth user experience starts with simplicity
  • Offer different language options
  • Get and act on consumer data
  • Go live or engage in live chats with your following
  • Establish yourself as an expert through content.
  • Develop a dedicated strategy to help you plan.

All things considered; you must rely on common sense. New content that is both relevant and informative, is always highly prized by search engines. Become customer driven to find out where you could improve, and your service will always be exemplary.

Are you ready to Revolutionise your Marketing Practices?

2021 is yours for the taking. Are you going to grab it, or let it slip your business by?


