CashFX Offers Forex Training for Traders of All Experience Levels

CashFX Offers Forex Training for Traders of All Experience Levels

With interest rates at historic lows and inflation climbing, your savings is losing buying power if you have it invested in traditional products like treasury bonds or certificates of deposit. However, getting into the market can be scary, especially if you’ve never bought or sold stocks of stock funds before. That’s why CashFX was created, to help new investors learn the ins and outs of Forex trading (trading on foreign exchange markets).

What is CashFX?

CashFX (short for Cash Forex Group) is a stock trading platform designed to help teach traders of all skill levels the ins and outs of Forex trading. According to the company website, CashFX “contracts its platform to brokers regulated by the Financial Services Authority of Dubai and the Financial Conduct Authority in London. The company itself holds registration with the Financial Services Authority of Seychelles and the Financial Conduct Authority of South Africa.”

Part of the CashFX platform is their unique Trading Academy Pack (TAP). Their training program allows you to “learn while you earn”. Unlike many other stock trading programs, they use real trades and real money to teach you the intricacies of market trading. They feel this is the way to get your attention, keep your interest and gain your trust.

How does it work? TAP puts you in touch with a group of trading experts who guide you through advanced trading lessons. You’ll start with the basics and advance to the apex of trading know-how. They start at the beginning, but if you already have trading experience, you have the option to bypass the early, basic lessons. As a part of TAP, they handle a variety of trade contracts, starting at $300 and capping at $100,000. They do this so that students from all socioeconomic backgrounds can take advantage of their program. They want everyone to have a chance at financial freedom.

Students who choose to invest see 70 percent of their money automatically placed on the Trading Pool. The remaining 30 percent goes toward the TAP. What this means for you is that if you invest $1,000, $300 goes to TAP, instead of going to the company. Part of that goes to compensate your sponsor/teacher. The other half goes toward unilevel commissions.

You can withdraw at any time, and they’ll refund your 70 percent less any penalty fee. Unfortunately, the 30 percent is non-refundable since those funds are paid out right away.

Are you a bear or a bull?

When you join CashFX, you get to decide if you are a network builder (bull) or an investor (bear). A bear earns two times his or her investment amount. At that point, he or she “graduates” and must either withdraw the invested funds or upgrade to a larger package. While you’re in the CashFx program, you’re required to withdraw your earnings regularly and transfer them to bitcoin.

A bull (or network builder) earns twice the money he or she invests in the trading pool and an additional two times from networking. For example, if a bull invests $1,000 and refers one other person who joins the program, the bull can earn up to $4,000 from the initial investment. This scenario obviously works best for investors who are outgoing and are willing to share information about CashFX.

As with the bears, the program ends when the bull reaches 200 percent return on his or her initial investment. You can stay in the program by upgrading before you reach that 200 percent benchmark. Bulls also have an opportunity to earn earnings from the Unilevel commissions. There are 10 commission levels. Everyone can earn via levels 1-4. You must qualify to earn commissions via levels 5-10.

Both bears and bulls earn money from forced matrix commissions. These are the fees that are charged those who withdraw from the program. They are distributed to everyone on the matrix. You earn more every time you recruit someone into the program. However, the matrix also assigns sponsors, so you’ll earn from this program even if you don’t have any referrals.

Benefits of forex trading

Forex trading offers, in our opinion, the best way to quickly grow your initial investment. Just a few reasons for this include…

  • 24/7 trading. Foreign exchange markets are open 24/7, five days a week.
  • Liquidity. There are always buyers for foreign currency, unlike stocks and bonds that may or may not have a ready buyer.
  • Size. The Forex market is the largest in the world, with a daily average volume of $5.3 trillion (USD).
  • Low risk. The Forex market is historically proven to be recession proof.

Expert Advisors software

CashFX’s TAPs are available in 17 different skill levels and price points. Included in modules 1 and 2 is instruction about the fundamentals of Forex trading, as well as the technical and underlying concepts behind it. The elemental, advance and supreme academy packs require a deposit. The least expensive is $210.

CashFX uses Expert Advisors software as part of the training modules. This proprietary software, especially designed for Cash Forex Group, features algorithms that allow you to analyze different types of scenarios in the currency markets. As part of the program, they’ll introduce you to some of the best group of traders internationally, with a combined experience of more than 15 years.

It’s easy to get started. All you must do is register on the CashFX website, create and confirm your login information, fund your account with bitcoin, and start learning.

To first-time traders, the CashFX matrix and system may seem overwhelming. After all, it involves a new vocabulary and some risk. However, it’s much easier to understand once you get started and get hands-on experience with the system. Keep in mind that both recruiters and non-recruiters have ways to make money.