Does Singapore have the best education system in the world?

Does Singapore have the best education system in the world?

Singapore is known for its multi-cultural diversity and attracts people from all over the world continue to flock here every year.  Its high-quality infrastructure, extensive transport system and first-rate education system are the reason behind it being one of Asia’s most liveable cities. Furthermore, the officially designated first language within the education system of Singapore is English, which is considered the main language of instruction.

Singapore has proven to show quality performance in international education and achieved top global rankings. Its education system continues to spread an influential worldwide study that focuses on:

  • Helping students make well-informed choices in education and careers;
  • Developing an integrated system of education that provides training related to the constantly evolving industrial sectors;
  • Promoting skills based on career development that are demanded by employers worldwide;
  • Fostering an educational culture that supports lifelong learning and academic advancement.

This country is known to hold a healthy balance between study, work and social activities, thereby making it an ideal place to study abroad. It is because of this that Singapore is also home to a large international community, who gets to enjoy the art and culture, seasonal festivities and world-renowned cuisines.

Additionally, Singapore is also considered a great place to study English. Here, academic institutions teach students both in English and the mother tongue languages, with higher education courses taught strictly in English. Here are a few reasons why you should look out for English courses in Singapore:

  • Multicultural land – The Singaporean educational system has chosen English to be the instructional language for most subjects because of its high population of students from various countries. Singapore has a wide range of international schools, teaching in English as well as other major world languages. Not only are these International schools of high standard but also typically competitive, where students are generally required to undergo tests and interviews to secure admission.
  • Heritage – Singapore is a vibrant cosmopolitan city with a vastly different landscape. Its society holds rich English traits and culture and has observed a massive transformation within a short span of time. The fast modern transition has pushed the country to become one of the world’s leading tech and educational giant.
  • Global activities – Singapore is now considered the international hub, with people from several nationalities living here. It is home to one of the world’s busiest ports and is known to be a booming international business hub with many established multinational companies. Singapore has connected the world with its strong grasp of the language English, leading to many nationalities to co-exist within its landscape.

If you are seeking to learn English in Singapore, then you will be excited to know that the country offers a vast range of English language courses, to learn from. These courses cover all aspects of the subject, including speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar. Such English courses come along with a range of choices, such as preparatory, certificate, private sixth form colleges, summer camps and weekly short courses that can be fit into your personal lifestyle!