What’s the average PHP developer salary worldwide. 2020 report

What’s the average PHP developer salary worldwide. 2020 report

The Marketing Team at DDI Development company was wondering, how much does it cost to hire a PHP developer from anywhere in the world. To find out the difference between the PHP developers’ salaries in many countries and to help you decide on hiring (or not) we created an article.  

To get you started you need to know that PHP is one of the most commonly used programming languages. There are about 6 million PHP developers around the world which means that no difficulties with the search for experts will spring up. 

The difficulty will arise when you face the need to choose a good specialist whose cost of services corresponds to the work quality. On the one hand, you can choose the cheapest services. But what about quality? On the other hand, you can collaborate with expensive specialists. But where is the guarantee that their knowledge and skills are worth it?

The truth lies somewhere in between. And we tried to discover it. The results of our little research are described in the article “What’s the average PHP developer salary in the USA and in other countries of the world?”.

We compared the average salaries of developers in Europe, in the USA, and in Australia with reference to the busiest cities where the IT industry is rapidly developing.

After reviewing this article, you will be aware of not just the median PHP programmer wage by each country. You will also get the data on salaries by state and by the city! Moreover, you will see what is the difference between the cost of services of a beginner and an experienced specialist. We promise some facts will surprise you.

The most important thing is that we provide you with the information that will allow you to make a reasonable decision to hire a worthy specialist at the best price. It’s up to you, who to work with. Just look at the numbers, compare the case studies, and start working with those who competently turn your idea into a working, competitive and profitable project in a given time. Read more here.

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