Discover the new way to host a Q & A at an AGM

Discover the new way to host a Q & A at an AGM

Lumi Global launches a new platform update, designed to improve the shareholder experience.

Lumi is pleased to announce the release of a platform update designed to enhance shareholder engagement, improve transparency and facilitate productive, open discourse between an organization and its shareholders. Lumi’s innovative platform provides businesses with the tools they need to ensure that decisions are productively challenged, and good corporate governance can be delivered.

Trusted by organizations across the globe, Lumi is the world-leading provider of meeting technology, delivering seamless meeting experiences through a robustly tested platform. In 2020 alone, the Lumi platform facilitated over 3500 meetings, fielded over 56,000 questions and connected over 300,000 members and shareholders to their individual meetings. The Lumi platform provides shareholders with the opportunity to have their questions asked and answered, whilst also empowering businesses to effectively moderate and organise questions without the meeting losing momentum.

As the world continues to be dominated by coronavirus restrictions, changes to the physical landscape of the shareholder meeting have accelerated the move to digital environments. Whilst some businesses have been tempted by behind-closed-doors meetings, many more have moved to digital and hybrid meetings to provide shareholders with an open channel of communication.

With the increasing prevalence of hybrid and virtual meetings, organizations often raise concerns about how to manage an effective Q&A session, without the meeting losing momentum. A wide range of business leaders, shareholders and general counsel were consulted during this development process, giving both Issuers and Shareholders confidence in the Q&A process, allaying any concerns that digital meetings are inferior to physical meetings.

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“This latest innovation to the Lumi platform will provide businesses with a real time window into the thoughts and concerns of their shareholder base without being swamped by a cascade of questions they are unable to filter, moderate or organise. Our world-leading platform can now help transform business and shareholder relationships: providing businesses with the clarity needed to run an effective meeting, whilst also providing their stakeholders with the transparency they need to feel assured their voices are being heard. At such a pivotal moment in AGM planning, as organizations across the globe consider how they do business in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, the Lumi platform provides companies with a viable, tested and secure way to conduct their meeting” – Kerry Leighton Bailey, Chief Marketing Officer Lumi Global.

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