Don’t Let These Fears Stop You From Investing

Fears make a person think about the correctness of their actions and change their choices. But we should not be swayed by unfounded fears that cause more harm than good. By abandoning your plans to avoid losses, you may lose much more than you intended.

Investing seems like a simple process. It is enough to choose an appropriate option, invest your funds and get the benefits. But in reality, the process is somewhat more complicated, which gives rise to certain fears among investors.

First of all, beginners who don’t fully understand where and how much to invest are prone to excessive fears. However, don’t give in to panic. Some fears are completely natural and don’t require an immediate response. Nevertheless, such fears are sometimes fully justified.

There is no definitive answer to what to do and how to react to a certain situation if you are a novice investor. But it is still worth considering the biggest fears of investing and how the Orca app can help users manage them while mitigating investment risk.

Fear #1: Uncertain Future

Investing is a really difficult and hard-to-predict process. Novice investors need at least basic knowledge to make correct investment decisions. Fear of an unknown future is a common fear that is pointless to fight. Use the Orca app to make your investing journey pleasant and easy and the first steps not so disturbing. Orca offers information that will provide answers to the most troubling questions, like:

  • how to create an account;
  • how to withdraw funds;
  • how to use app functions.

A step-by-step description of the process and practical training will help you overcome some of your fears. Practical skills gained by using the investment app will be quite effective and will allow you to fill in any gaps in your investment knowledge base.

Fear #2: Too Many Options

The investment market is not boring or monotonous as there are all sorts of investment options presented here. The main problem is that as more and more new offers appear, you find more and more potentially profitable options.

The diversity of the stock market can be overwhelming and cause investors to make impulsive decisions, which in the future may negatively affect their overall budget. To avoid such cases, it is worth using a tool called Collections. You will be able to complete many hours of work in a few clicks, as the tool:

  • explores available options offered by different companies;
  • lets you study other assets by category.

You won’t need to spend a lot of time looking for suitable offers. Available investments are classified into groups, making it easy to find them. To effectively use this tool, use the tips and the description of this function.

Fear #3: Making Mistakes

Comparing two options and choosing the better performing one can become more of a problem than the previous two fears. Doubts can flood in immediately after a deal has been concluded. To get rid of the fear of the stock market, you need to not only make well-informed decisions but also to study the maximum available information. To make this idea a reality, use Orca to get:

  • expert analytics of stocks;
  • movement trends;
  • information about shares and analytics.

This data will allow you to think about how suitable a particular offer is for you, and then accept or reject it confidently. 

Fear #4: Unexpected Expenses

The possibility of losing money makes many people abandon the idea of ​​investing in the stock market. After all, no one can give a guarantee that your deal will be profitable and completely protected from risks. Those who say so either don’t understand what they are talking about, or they are deliberately deceiving you.

Be that as it may, you should be wary of such statements and not listen to people who talk about investing in this way. It is important to pump the brakes on “tempting” options before considering the details. The profitability of an investment may seem so desirable that an investor will want to rush in on an offer, and as a result end up losing money.

There is no need to risk your savings and put everything in one deal. Having a lack of information and inaction are common mistakes that will lead to financial losses. The Orca app offers users additional functions to solve these problems.

Its tools will allow you to get detailed information about assets, including expert assessments of companies and their positions on the market. There is no need to complain about a lack of data, since you can use the description of the stock and offers to form your own opinions.

Fear #5: Missed Opportunities (FOMO)

No honest investor will claim that they have never experienced FOMO. An investor may take risks that were previously unacceptable for them because of their fear of missing out on opportunities. This fear can take its toll in the long run and lead to unexpected losses.

An obvious and simple way to deal with such fears is to accept reality, the reality in which you cannot control the whole process from start to finish. In this case, you will only be able to minimise your risks. Refresh data in real-time and use the sliding table function to study the available information and make informed decisions.


Making important decisions always involves the risk of making mistakes. This fact leads to various fears. It’s useless to fight fears, but it is within our powers to minimise risks. To do this, use a reliable investment app that you can trust.