A step-by-step guide to writing an essay in 2021

A step-by-step guide to writing an essay in 2021

Essay writing is something we’ve been taught since grade 5. But, in school, essay writing is much different than what we’ve been taught in the fifth grade. Same with college essay. It is much different than a school-level essay.

It has many more instructions and requirements to it that are to be followed no matter what or you will be disqualified. Instructions and requirements are given by your professor and they expect you to meet and follow the requirements so that they know you’re able to follow the college academic program.

Once you transfer to your college. Essay writing will be completely different than what you used to write in school. It will contain many guidelines and other new stuff we’ll be discussing later.

You should know that there are two types of essays, persuasive and informative, A persuasive essay is when you give arguments about the topic and persuade the reader to adapt your thinking like keep your society clean.

A persuasive essay is also known as an argumentative essay, it’s very similar to writing an argumentative research paper, the only thing that’s different between them is that the essay is usually shorter than a research paper.

Whereas an informative essay is when you talk about the topic in form of a question giving all the information your reader needs to know about the topic.

You will likely be given a topic by your professor to write about but if not, you will have the freedom to write on anything you like about. Choose something of your interest so that when it comes to researching about it, you don’t get bored and do research with motivation making it very effective.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to writing an essay;

Read the assignment carefully

As mentioned above, there are instructions given on the assignment paper which have to be met, and if not, you might get disqualified.

So, try to read it thoroughly and carefully and if you have any confusions, you can ask for Paper Help from your professor. It is very important to meet the expectations of your professor.

Make sure to check if the essay is argumentative or informative so that you change your writing style accordingly.

Gather the ideas and support examples

Before getting into writing, you will need at least 5 main ideas and 5 support examples for each paragraph of your essay.

You should always use the library for research as it has everything you need. It also has computers you can use to research online. The library is a good place to research your topic as it’s peaceful and no one will disturb you there.

Also, use reliable sources to gather information as some pieces of information can be misleading and fake.

Draft and write

Always draft your essay before writing because it makes it 10 times easier for a person to write as every idea and example will be plotted so, you won’t have to think about which idea will go where etc.

Once you’re done with that, you can start writing the body of your essay which should consist of at least 4-5 paragraphs. Every paragraph should have its idea and support an example to it.

After writing the body, give your essay closure by writing a conclusion, you will have to review your ideas giving your own opinion on it.