Why Should Students Learn Politics?

Why Should Students Learn Politics?

Case In Point

Politics is an inseparable part of our lives whether we want it or not. Even those who claim to be apolitical might be inadvertently advancing someone else’s political aims with their actions, decisions, and lifestyles. Therefore, it is not by far the least popular subject students pick for their college studies and degrees.

According to Data USA, there were 47,035 political science and government degrees awarded in 2019. This was an increase of 5.34% compared to 2018. With the current events in Ukraine and their implications for the world order and the political equilibrium, we can expect a further increase in demand. Learn more about why you should opt for politics as a student.

●      Broaden your perspective

Politics is essentially an interdisciplinary subject. To study politics and to study it well, you have to study other related subjects as well. For instance, you need to understand how economies work and how they’re intertwined with political decisions. You also need to get a handle on sociology to understand how politics affects people’s status in society.

Without having some basic knowledge of human psychology, it will be tough to get why many politicians either keep lying or dodge important questions and why populism always seems to work in practice.

As a student, you will need to write numerous essays on politics and beyond. There will be times when your hair will be on fire with multiple tasks and assignments. That is when you will need to hire professional writers to complete some essays for you. Make sure you view website to get the best essay writing reviews to identify the top-rated companies and writers.

Ever since Aristotle completed his classic Politics, many basic principles and concepts have remained the same, albeit a bit more refined. They have stood the test of time. The better you know them, the more prepared you are for any challenge in life.

●      Know your rights and responsibilities

As you embark on studying political systems, history, and relations in an organized and structured way, you are learning so much about your rights and responsibilities. As a citizen, you need to have a sound understanding of what you can and cannot do, what you should and should not do, and what you must and must not do.

If you end up choosing one of the legal universities for your studies, you will have a chance to learn about the world’s most effective political and legal systems, international law, and related rights and responsibilities of states.

You will also learn about your rights and responsibilities in the context of relationships between you as an individual and your society or your state for that matter. Relationships between a state and an individual evolve constantly. By studying politics, you will learn about all the past and current political and philosophical narratives that underpin the maze of these relationships.

●      Know your values

Political systems are based on values. What counts as a merit or a virtue in western civilization may not go down well in Russia or Afghanistan. Value-based ideologies often determine who comes to power to govern you and your society.

Differences between values often lead to conflicts at all levels. Our ability to understand, not necessarily accept, the values and viewpoints of others determines the degree to which we are able to coexist in a culturally diverse society.

In fact, some universities offer dedicated courses or programs on politics and values. More generally, all political science programs and studies include modules that help students understand the basics of different value-based systems and the ways in which they impact our individual and communal lives.

Bottom Line

Politics is part of our lives. We need to understand it well to be able to understand and influence those who govern us. Students who study politics may never end up being politicians, but they can always capitalize on the breadth and depth of their knowledge to build a successful career in any other field.

The CEOs of many Fortune 500 companies have degrees in political science. Lots of great researchers and analysts also have political science majors. You won’t make a mistake by choosing one either.