Top Tips To help You Create a Sustainable Exercise Routine

Top Tips To help You Create a Sustainable Exercise Routine

Anyone can start exercising, there are plenty of current fads to support and many can seem like a lot of fun. However, the reality, as with most fads, is that they are just a fad, they come and go. That makes it very difficult to use them as a long-term sustainable exercise routine.

If you’re reading this then you’re probably already aware that exercise is crucial to your health, especially as you age. Experts recommend 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week to help you stay healthy and reduce the likelihood of age-related diseases.

Of course, you don’t need to start out at this level, you can build up to it. The secret is to know how to build a sustainable exercise routine.

Think Enjoyment

If you hate running then there is little point in trying to run three or four times a week. While you can certainly try it to ensure you still don’t enjoy it, choosing to do an activity you don’t enjoy is simply inviting yourself to fail.

Instead, think about the things you enjoy doing that elevate your heart rate. This can be swimming, walking, cycling, table tennis, or almost any activity you can think of.

To class as exercise you just need to elevate your heart rate while undertaking your chosen activity.

Get Expert Advice

If you’re trying to create a sustainable exercise routine then you should speak to an expert first. The type of expert will depend on your current physical condition. For example, if you seem in good health a quick check-up by the doctor should suffice.

But, if you’re dealing with an existing injury or issue, it’s a good idea to see a reputable physiotherapist Concord to get guidance regarding the best exercises and exercise to do.

Think About Why

The people that are most successful in creating sustainable exercise routines are those that have a good reason. For example, if you’re committed to losing weight for a special day, then you have a goal and a reason to stick to your schedule.

It can be harder to find a long-term goal that will keep you motivated for years. But, if you spend a few moments considering why you feel a sustainable exercise routine is important, you’ll have all the motivation you need.

When you don’t feel like exercising simply remind yourself why you thought it was a good idea. It will help you to keep exercising.

Set Goals

Your long-term motivation means you’ll exercise regularly. however, it can be great to have some encouragement on the way. Set yourself a goal but make it realistic.

For example, if you’ve just started running then aim to run 5K within a set time period. It will keep you motivated and even encourage you to exercise a little harder. You can create a new goal when you’ve achieved one.

Alternatively, create a reward system. For example, if you really want some new shoes, tell yourself you can get them after you’ve achieved a specific goal or exercised consistently for so many weeks.

Keep A Journal

A journal is a great way to log your exercise and your feelings. This will help you to see how you are progressing. Often you’ll find that you don’t feel like you are improving, glancing at a journal can tell you that you are.

By logging your feelings you will also be able to assess what keeps you motivated and when you perform better. This can help to get you in the right frame of mind for exercise and push you past a plateau. It’s worth noting that everyone hits a plateau at some point.

It Won’t Always Be Perfect

There are some days when everything slots together perfectly and you have a great exercise session. It can be inspiring and motivating. However, there are also plenty of times when things just don’t work. It’s important to be aware of this before you start creating a sustainable exercise routine. It won’t always go to plan. But, when it does you’ll feel great.

When it doesn’t you simply have to accept that there are setbacks but the long-term gains outweigh the short term issues.

Get Company

Don’t forget, one of the best ways to create a sustainable exercise routine is to commit to exercising with others. Even when you don’t feel like exercising, someone else will be relying on you and that can be all the motivation you need.

The longer you can sustain your exercise routine, the easier it becomes to keep doing it.