Custom Dog Collars personalised for your pets

Custom Dog Collars personalised for your pets

If you’re reading this article, it is safe to assume that you have a pet, maybe a cute little dog or a feisty little cat that you absolutely love. But pets are not limited to that. They come in all shapes and sizes, and we love them all, they all deserve a unique treatment, and we hope you know where we’re getting at. While you can get your cute little puppy a typical general store colour, is that the best treatment? No. We want to make sure that you have got only the custom pet collars that your dog deserves. 

So, Do you know where we get all these beautiful customised dog collars? Are they really expensive? Can we find it somewhere in the nearby market? Hold on, we have all the answers on custom pet collars, that you are probably seeking. 

In this article, we are going to look at five ways you can personalise your dog’s collar and how to get the best-personalised dog collar in town.

  1. Dog collar with a name: This is perhaps the first and foremost thing we look at when we think of customising pet collars. It is important to have your pet’s name on the hem at all times. In events where they get lost or misplaced, having the name and contact details of the owner has often led to returning the dog back to their family fast. So, this one is basic. If a dog collar with a name is what you have been looking for, you just gotta click!
  2. A locket that opens up: Why just limit yourself to a name and number? Why not make it as special as your dog? A beautiful heart locket collar, which opens up to reveal their name and a cute little pic with you? You could also be more creative and bouji. Why not get the locket gold-plated? If we are keeping it simple, perhaps, a practical use would be to put a locator chip in it. We love the idea! Don’t you?
  3. Choose the colour, texture, and material as well: Whether you go for a simple tag or a full-blown garland, you should get options in the kind of colours and textures you are looking to get. Do you want something plastic or with a metallic tag? Do you want a cursive typeface or a more printed out of a roman newspaper text? Do you want a plastic collar or a fabric solution? You should research and make sure that you go for a customised dog collar that truly is a personalised dog collar as per his personality. 
  4. The right robe: While we are at personalising dog collars, looks should never come at the cost of discomfort. You should make sure that you get not-super-tight and breathable robes to carry along with the tag. We have the best-personalised dog collars that respect your dog’s body and comfort. 
  5. Why just one? True personalisation is about various things. Just getting one pet collar may not do justice to the very many aspects of your cute little pet’s fun aspect. This is why we recommend you get not one but many types of pet collars personalised and customised for different occasions and seasons. 

However, to get so many options, you also need an expert who’s creative, chooses the best material, and understands what’s breathable for your dog. Choose Smoochy Poochy an expert at personalised gifts, their expertise is delivering exactly what you asked for. No compromises. 


A dog collar is a helpful tool when you misplace your dog, but it can serve more purposes. It doesn’t have to be a boring name tag for identification, and you should make the tag fun. After all, little fur buddies, too, deserve to dress up and steal the show. Enhance the cuteness of your pet with a customised dog collar. 

Before you choose to get it made, make sure that the vendor offers enough formats and varieties. A customised dog collar should be made exactly how you want it made, and Smoochy Poochy, an experience holder in personalised gifts, will help you get it right.