Try These 5 Fun Activities During Your Child’s Next Snow Day

Try These 5 Fun Activities During Your Child’s Next Snow Day

When cooler temperatures roll around, it’s time to break out the hats, scarves, and gloves. But you’ll also need to prepare; sooner or later, an influx of snow may come your way. For adults, it’s not something to look forward to because you’ll spend an hour or two shoveling your car out of the driveway. 

However, snow means something different for kids. They get a day off of school and can play in the snow. The only problem is that initial excitement can wear off after a few minutes. Instead, here are a few activities you can try during your child’s next snow day.

1. Race With Sleds and Toboggans

Have you ever watched a movie that depicted kids playing in the snow? One activity you’ll likely see is them sliding down a big hill in a sled or toboggan. They’ll usually fall over and erupt into a fit of laughter. The main thing is they’re having fun, and you can do the same with your children.

Sleds and toboggans are usually wooden, which may not be the most comfortable. You can buy inflatable toboggans online, which are more wallet-friendly and provide the comfort you need during snow activities. Once everyone has their accessory, it’s time to find a spot to race.

Ideally, you’ll want to find somewhere with a slight incline so you’ll be able to pick up speed. You can start with an original downhill race to get the juices flowing. To spice things up, you can throw obstacles (like cones) in the mix to test your toboggan control skills. Either way, you’ll have some great fun with the family.

2. Build a Snowman

A snow day isn’t complete without building a snowman. You’ll have to attempt it, at least after the snow has fallen and it’s nice and firm. The process can be tricky because not all snow is the same snow. So you’ll have to pick the right area to build your snowman. 

Afterward, it’s time to start your creation. Here’s what you do:

  1. Make a firm snowball and start rolling it around. Ensure to go in various directions to get the globe shape
  2. As it gets bigger, using your gloves, pack the snow to make a tighter ball and shave off any uneven areas. Push it to its final destination before it gets too heavy.
  3. Do the same for the second and third balls, but make sure you can lift them.
    1. Make a small indent at the top of the snowballs so stacking will be easier.
  4. Add a face and accessories to complete the snowman’s look.

There you have it. Following these simple steps will give you a solid snowman. The kids will love this project because they can cross it off their childhood bucket list. Instead of watching it on movies or TV, they’ll be able to create a snowman of their own.

3. Create an Indoor Fort

Who said that snow day activities have to involve snow? If your house is covered and you can’t go anywhere, it’s the perfect time to enjoy an indoor snow day. And a great way to do so is by building a fort.

Forts allow children to flex their creative muscles since they’ll need a few items to complete it. Furthermore, it’s great fun once it’s built. You can stay inside the fort, get cozy, and do a few activities, like telling stories, watching movies, or playing board games.

4. Do Arts and Crafts

Another activity your kids will enjoy during a snow day is simple arts and crafts. Like fort building, it’ll stimulate your child as they try to showcase their inner artist. Since it’s a snow day, you could try and make snowflakes to hang around your home. All you need is paper and scissors.

You could also help them make paper snowmen or angels to bring that feeling of a winter wonderland. Or you could break out the markers and draw your ideal winter paradise. Who knows, your inner child might appear as you work on these crafts with your kids.

5. Have a Spa Day

Adults aren’t the only people that deserve relaxation; kids do too. And when you’re thinking about spending a snow day, why not enjoy it fully by creating your own spa? You don’t need to be a professional to pamper yourself and your children; all you need is your imagination.

Start with a warm bubble bath to get the muscles relaxed. Afterward, get into comfy clothing or a robe if you have one. Cut up some cucumbers to place on everyone’s eyes to simulate the natural spa feeling.

Do These Activities on Your Next Snow Day

Snow days no longer have to be frustrating for you and the family. Instead, try the activities above to have fun indoors and outdoors.