Armstrong Steel Comments on the Technological Trends in the U.S. Steel Market

The steel industry is one of the oldest major industries in the United States. While much of what goes into making steel has stayed the same, many technological advances in the U.S. steel market are changing the industry for the better, according to Armstrong Steel, a leading manufacturer of pre-engineered steel building systems.

It takes a lot of energy and heat to produce steel, making it an odd fit for eco-friendly production. But, thanks to new technological advances, the steel industry is becoming more energy efficient. Below, Armstrong Steel Buildings comments on some of the biggest technological trends in the U.S. steel market.

Putting Waste Heat to Good Use

Some companies use what are known as ORC turbines or Organic Ranking Cycle. The hot-rolled steel that is produced through these turbines, such as one at an Ori Martin plant in Italy, uses waste heat to not only produce steel but also provide electricity for 700 families in the local area.

In total, the ORC turbines are able to help mills reduce its carbon footprint by as much as 10,000 tons of carbon dioxide annually. There’s also no need to use water cooling.

Recycling in New Ways

According to Armstrong Steel Buildings, recycling is a major aspect of today’s steel industry, leading to a much more sustainable industry. Steel is the perfect material for recycling since 100% of it can be reused repeatedly without compromising integrity.

The process of recycling is nothing new to the steel industry, of course, but what is new is integrating recycling solutions for waste materials that are created in the production process, such as mill scale, fines, and dust.

Many companies are now integrating “de-dusting systems” into their production line to clean the dust from the exhaust air. This makes steel production more sustainable and lowers steel companies operating costs.

Investing in a Digital Transformation

One of the biggest trends in the U.S. steel industry is the investment companies are making into a digital transformation. In fact, a new report from ABI Research, a global technology intelligence company, says the investment that steel manufacturers will make in this regard will reach $5.9 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 10.9% in that time.

Steel manufacturers will be able to optimize the production process by investing in data analytics — which ABI Research says will total $2.9 billion by 2031. There will also be major investments in technology related to applications and devices, as well as cybersecurity.

As technology continues to evolve, so will the U.S. steel industry, bringing benefits to producers and consumers alike.

About Armstrong Steel

As a leading manufacturer of pre-engineered metal buildings, Armstrong Steel Buildings takes pride in delivering high-quality steel buildings across North America. Armstrong Steel Buildings has been delivering high-quality steel buildings for nearly twenty years and provides structures to residential, commercial, agricultural, industrial, cannabis, government, and military agencies.