How To Get Into Real Estate Guide – By Mike Collins Mortgage Expert

How To Get Into Real Estate Guide – By Mike Collins Mortgage Expert

Real estate can be a lucrative and rewarding career for those interested in buying, selling, and managing properties. Whether you’re looking to invest in a small rental property or build a large portfolio, getting into real estate requires a combination of education, experience, and business savvy. Here are some steps to help you get started in the real estate industry.

There are many reasons why people choose to get into real estate. Some are attracted to the potential for financial gain, as real estate can be profitable. Others enjoy the challenge of finding and negotiating deals and the opportunity to work with a variety of clients. Still, others are drawn to the flexibility and independence that a career in real estate can offer.

Steps To Get Into Real Estate Business

Regardless of your reasons for wanting to get into real estate, it’s important to approach it with a clear understanding of the market and a well-thought-out plan. With the right knowledge and strategies, you can position yourself for success in this exciting and dynamic industry.

We’ll explain in some steps below how to get into real estate. This guide is by Mike Collins, a Mortgage Expert, to ensure the right path and career. Let’s get into the steps without any further ado.

Research The Real Estate Market

The first step in getting into real estate is understanding the local market where you plan to operate. This includes researching trends in demand, supply, and pricing, as well as identifying the most popular properties in your area.

To gather this information, you can start by talking to real estate professionals, such as agents and brokers, and attending industry events and conferences. You can also read industry publications, such as real estate magazines and online blogs, and use online tools to track market trends.

Get Educated

To become a licensed real estate professional, you must meet certain education and training requirements. These requirements vary by state, so it’s important to check with your state’s real estate regulatory agency to find out what you need to do.

You will need to complete a certain number of real estate courses and pass a licensing exam. These courses are typically offered through real estate schools, community colleges, and online programs. They cover real estate law, property management, appraisal, and sales.

Once you have completed your education and obtained your license, it’s important to keep learning and updated on industry developments. Many states require real estate professionals to complete a certain number of continuing education hours each year to maintain their licenses.

Build A Network

Networking is an important part of any career, and real estate is no exception. By building a network of contacts in the industry, you can gain valuable insights, learn about new opportunities, and get advice from experienced professionals.

One way to build your network is by joining a local real estate association. These organizations often hold regular meetings and events where you can meet other professionals and learn about industry trends. You can also attend industry conferences and trade shows, a great way to meet people and learn about new products and services.

Find A Mentor

Having a mentor in the real estate industry can be incredibly valuable, as they can provide guidance, support, and encouragement as you navigate your career. A mentor can help you avoid common pitfalls, give you feedback on your work, and introduce you to new contacts.

To find a mentor, you can start by reaching out to professionals you admire and respect. You can also ask your local real estate association if they have a mentor program or seek out a mentor through a professional development program or coaching service.

Develop A Business Plan

Before you start buying and selling properties, it’s important to have a clear plan in place. This includes defining your target market, setting financial goals, and creating a marketing plan.

To define your target market, consider who you want to work with and what types of properties you want to focus on. This could include first-time home buyers, investors, or commercial property owners.

Your financial goals should outline how much money you want to make and how you plan to achieve it. This could include setting targets for how many properties you want to sell or rent each year and setting a budget for marketing and other expenses.

Obtain Financing

Purchasing real estate typically requires a significant amount of capital, so it’s important to have a plan for financing your ventures. This could include using your own savings, seeking out loans or grants, or partnering with other investors.

One common financing option is a mortgage, a loan used to purchase a property. Banks and other lending institutions typically offer mortgages, and the terms and requirements will vary based on your credit history, income, and the type of property you are purchasing.

Many other financing options are also available, such as hard money loans, private money loans, and crowdfunding platforms. It’s important to research these options and choose the one that best fits your needs and goals.

Start Building Your Portfolio

Once you have your education, network, business plan, and financing, you can start looking for investment opportunities. This could include buying and flipping properties, purchasing rental properties, or developing real estate projects.

To find these opportunities, you can use online platforms, such as real estate listings websites, and network with other professionals and keep an eye out for properties the owner is selling.

Once you have acquired a property, it’s important to manage it effectively to maximize your return on investment. This may involve maintaining the property, collecting rent, and handling any issues.


Getting into real estate requires a combination of education, experience, and business acumen. By following these steps from Mike Collins, you can position yourself for success in this exciting and rewarding industry.

Remember to research the market, get educated, build a network, find a mentor, develop a business plan, obtain financing, and start building your portfolio. And don’t forget to continue learning and growing throughout your career to stay ahead of the curve and achieve your goals.