Hold Your Crypto Wallet Together With Big Eyes Coin And Tether This 2023.

Hold Your Crypto Wallet Together With Big Eyes Coin And Tether This 2023.

2023 is the year for crypto. There are all forms of new technology this year, including Artificial Intelligence. Some types of AI are commonly used by anyone without specific technology, as seen by the Tiktok AI filters. With all of these tech advancements and a significant emphasis on the “metaverse”, could crypto be at the centre of all of this?

Cryptocurrencies are a form of decentralised currency that utilise blockchain technology, ensures security and allows users a much higher level of control over their money. Often referred to as ‘digital currency’, crypto has been around since 2009, ahead of its time. The first cryptocurrency created was Bitcoin (BTC) in 2009, which has now grown to be one of the most valuable assets in the world.

Could this year of new tech advancements be what the crypto market needs right now? Until we can see what happens with crypto this year, these two cryptos are some of the least volatile investments: Tether (USDT) and Big Eyes Coin (BIG).

Tether Is The Top Stablecoin On The Market

Tether (USDT) is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies available on the market. It often lies in the top three spots. Created in 2014 under the name RealCoin, it was rebranded, and the creators came to a unanimous decision to name the stablecoin Tether (USDT) and released it in 2015.

Tether is a form of cryptocurrency called a ‘stablecoin’. Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies whose value is intended to be tied to a reference asset, such as fiat money, commodities traded on exchanges, or another cryptocurrency. Tether has its value pegged at 1:1 to the US dollar. A secure fund owned by Tether supports the coin.

The coin has many benefits. It has a high trading volume, with the highest 24-hour trading volume of all cryptocurrencies. As the coin is a stablecoin, it is much less volatile and won’t fall in price the same way altcoins may. This helps aid the anxieties many people face when thinking about investing in cryptocurrencies.

Tether (USDT) also allows you to transfer your money into cryptocurrency, giving you more decentralised control without fear of depreciating. This is one of the best cryptos to invest in to avoid the market’s current volatility.

Big Eyes Coin Has Raised $12 Million!

Big Eyes Coin (BIG) is a presale cryptocurrency that has just reached a massive milestone by hitting $12 million. Big Eyes Coin is a currency known as a ‘meme coin’. Meme coins are cryptocurrencies that utilise memes and ‘internet jokes’ as the basis of their currency and build communities around it. Big Eyes Coin uses an adorable anime-style cat mascot with the hugest eyes. This cat has been all over the world and loves sushi. There are so many funny quirks to this character.

Big Eyes Coin is an ERC-20 token, which means it is built on one of the most secure blockchains, Ethereum. This decision supports the coin’s mascots’ desire to help the planet and save the oceans. As Ethereum has gone through the ‘Merge’ and is now producing 99% fewer carbon emissions, this is one of many ways the coin is helping the planet.

As the coin is currently in its presale stage, it won’t be affected by the market’s current volatility and will, thus, be a great investment opportunity.

Use this promo code for extra BIG tokens: BIGsave717 

For more information on Big Eyes Coin, follow the links below:

Big Eyes Coin (BIG)

Presale: https://buy.bigeyes.space/

Website: https://bigeyes.space/

Telegram: https://t.me/BIGEYESOFFICIAL