Preboarding: Paving the Way for New Hires Before Their First Day

Preboarding: Paving the Way for New Hires Before Their First Day

The journey of a new employee begins long before they step into the office on their first day. In today’s competitive business landscape, organizations are realizing the significance of a well-structured preboarding process to set the tone for a new hire’s experience. 

Preboarding, often considered an extension of the onboarding process, encompasses activities and engagements that take place between the moment a candidate accepts an offer and their first day on the job. This phase offers companies the opportunity to make a lasting impression, build excitement, and establish connections, which ultimately contribute to enhanced job satisfaction, productivity, and retention rates.

Creating Anticipation

Effective preboarding is akin to creating a roadmap for the new hire’s journey, guiding them through the initial phase of becoming part of the organization. The process commences with an official welcome, which extends beyond the offer letter. 

A personalized message from the hiring manager or a senior leader helps bridge the gap between acceptance and commencement. This gesture not only conveys warmth but also validates the new hire’s decision to join the company. The anticipation built during this phase sets a positive tone, ensuring the employee feels valued from the outset.

Paperwork and Logistics

While paperwork is frequently considered mundane, it holds a crucial role in the preboarding process. However, this aspect can be effectively alleviated by leveraging employee onboarding software that digitizes the entire procedure. Ensuring that employment contracts, tax forms, benefits enrollment, and other essential documentation are completed in advance can minimize the administrative burden on the new hire during their first week. 

Providing a clear checklist and guidance on how to complete these tasks expedites the process, allowing the employee to focus on the upcoming role rather than getting bogged down in paperwork.

Cultivating Connection

Preboarding is also an ideal time for new hires to begin forming connections within the organization. This can be facilitated through introductions to future colleagues and team members, either through virtual meetings or informal get-to-know-you sessions. 

Such interactions provide an opportunity to understand the team dynamics, grasp the company culture, and feel a sense of belonging even before officially starting. Assigning a buddy or mentor who can offer insights, answer questions, and provide guidance can significantly enhance the new hire’s sense of integration.

Providing Resources

Equipping new employees with the tools and resources they need to hit the ground running is crucial. This includes granting access to company systems, relevant software, and training materials. Offering pre-training on key software or processes can help accelerate the learning curve and contribute to the employee’s initial success. Additionally, sharing an organizational chart and outlining reporting structures aids in understanding the hierarchy and facilitates interactions.

Setting Expectations

Clear communication of expectations is fundamental in preboarding. Providing insights into the company’s mission, values, and strategic goals fosters alignment and enables the new hire to understand how their role contributes to the larger picture. This phase is also a suitable time to discuss performance metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) that the employee will be evaluated against. Clarity on expectations from the outset prevents misunderstandings and paves the way for a smoother transition into the organization.

Addressing Anxieties

The period leading up to the first day can be a mix of excitement and anxiety for new hires. Preboarding is an opportune time to alleviate any apprehensions they might have. Regular communication, through personalized emails or information packets, can provide insights into the company culture, dress code, parking facilities, and any other practical details that might ease their concerns. Addressing these matters in advance showcases the organization’s commitment to their comfort and integration.

Encouraging Learning

Preboarding should not only focus on organizational logistics but also on fostering continuous learning. Sharing relevant industry news, blog posts, or internal content can encourage the new hire to engage with the company’s knowledge base and stay informed. This proactive approach to learning demonstrates the organization’s emphasis on growth and development, which can resonate positively with the new employee.


Preboarding is more than a checklist of tasks to be completed before an employee’s first day; it is the foundation on which a new hire’s experience is built. By creating anticipation, fostering connections, providing resources, and setting clear expectations, companies can ensure that their new employees feel valued and prepared to contribute from day one. 

An effective preboarding process not only impacts the employee’s immediate integration but also sets the stage for long-term engagement, job satisfaction, and retention. In a world where talent acquisition and retention are critical business imperatives, preboarding emerges as a strategic differentiator that can significantly contribute to an organization’s success.