

Budget-Friendly Diabetes Medication, Metformin, Shows Potential to Extend Life and Combat Aging

Budget-Friendly Diabetes Medication, Metformin, Shows Potential to Extend Life and Combat Aging

As we grow older, many of us find ourselves hoping for a way to slow the aging process. Fortunately, a promising tool has emerged from the world of diabetes management: Metformin. This budget-friendly medication has long been used to treat type 2 diabetes, but it is now captivating scientists and longevity enthusiasts alike with its potential to extend life and combat the various signs of aging. By offering insights into how we might lead longer, healthier lives, Metformin could redefine the way we think about aging. With its well-documented safety profile and accessibility, this medication could enable us to thrive in our later years, rather than just merely survive.

Metabolic health becomes increasingly important as we age. Fortunately, Metformin may help address some of these issues. One way it does this is by improving insulin sensitivity, which tends to decline as we get older. By enhancing the body’s ability to use insulin properly, Metformin may help reduce the incidence of age-related metabolic disorders. But that’s not all. Metformin also activates the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) pathway, which has been linked to longevity. When this pathway is activated, it promotes cellular repair processes and energy homeostasis, which may help us live longer and healthier lives.

Clinical evidence has shown that Metformin may hold the key to longevity. Studies indicate that Metformin users have a lower risk of all-cause mortality compared to non-users. Better yet, research indicates that it may also delay the onset of age-related diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive decline.

Metformin is a game-changer when it comes to accessibility and cost-effectiveness in healthcare. With its status as a generic medication, it is widely available and Metformin online is easily accessible for a broad population. This makes it a potential solution for longevity, as more and more people can gain access to the medication. Besides, it is also a cost-effective solution for individuals seeking to invest in their long-term health and wellness. Unlike many other expensive medications, Metformin presents an affordable option for those who want to take control of their health without breaking the bank.

However, not all sources of this drug are created equal. In order to truly harness its benefits, it’s critical to buy Metformin from reputable outlets – and this is where AgelessRx truly shines. As a leader in the telehealth space, AgelessRx provides not only authentic Metformin, but also crucial oversight from medical professionals who can help manage dosages and potential side effects. By prioritizing quality care, AgelessRx ensures that users can achieve the full benefits of Metformin in a safe and effective manner.

Metformin has a safety profile that is backed by decades of use. Its long-standing track record makes it a reliable treatment option for managing chronic conditions. While it’s generally considered well-tolerated, some individuals may experience gastrointestinal discomfort as a side effect. However, with proper monitoring and management, these symptoms can be minimized to ensure long-term adherence to the drug regimen.

Metformin may have started out as a medication, but it has quickly become much more than that. This humble drug offers a beacon of hope for those looking to extend their lives and combat aging. Thanks to an abundance of scientific research, Metformin has emerged as a cornerstone in the evolving narrative of longevity. What makes it so appealing is the notion that it could make aging gracefully accessible for all. As we approach a new era of aging, Metformin presents us with a unique opportunity to embrace its possibilities, advocate for more research, and consider the implications of such interventions in our own lives.

MedTech Startup, Predicted To Save The NHS Millions, Opens Funding Round

MedTech Startup, Predicted To Save The NHS Millions, Opens Funding Round
Saving the NHS millions, one step at a time
MedTech startup, Fyous, open third funding round.
  • Hitting a £10m valuation in just over two years, Fyous have opened a third seed funding round
  • The NHS currently spends almost £1 billion a year on diabetic foot care, with custom shoes costing upwards of £700
  • Fyous make custom-fit footwear at mass-manufacturing speeds using their unique polymorphic moulding technology. Prices start at £250.
  • Named 2022 startup of the year, Fyous have their sights on both the public sector and direct-to-consumer markets with two new product launches
Following multiple award wins and two new product launches, Fyous, the MedTech startup revolutionising custom footwear, has opened its third seed funding round.
Reaching a £10-million valuation in just over two years, Fyous are focused on applying their unique technology to NHS diabetes care in a bid to reduce costs and save lives.
The NHS currently spends almost £1 billion a year on diabetic foot care for the 4.9 million diabetics in the UK — enough to fund 25 million additional GP appointments.
With a five-year mortality rate of 40% for diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) and the number of diabetes sufferers set to increase to 5.5 million by 2030, finding affordable and effective treatment options is a public health priority.
“Current manufacturing techniques mean that a patient can have a waiting period of a few months before they are provided with bespoke provision… and any wait period could lead to re-ulceration of the patient” explains Orthotist Sarah Crossland if the Diabetic Limb Salvage Service at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust.
Named 2022 Startup of the Year and winner of the Made in Yorkshire Award, Fyous has already received more than £600,000 in funding and has been accepted into both the Jump and P4SY MedTech accelerator programmes.
With MHRA clinical trial approval imminent, multiple NHS trusts are lining up to start clinical trials following positive feedback on the footwear from patients and their Consultants.
Co-Founder and CEO Joshua Shires, the founder behind £30m-revenue Mous Products Ltd, believes that Fyous has the potential to redefine diabetic foot care and the custom footwear industry more broadly.
“Fyous allows the NHS to deliver better care, faster, and for less than half the price. We’re not just making shoes — we’re reinventing the market, changing how custom-made, medical footwear is perceived”.
To create the custom-fit trainers, patients and customers use the Fyous app to scan each foot, creating millions of data points.
Frustrated by the speed of 3D printing, which can take seven hours to make a single shoe component, the duo used their engineering backgrounds to develop their unique polymorphic moulding process.
A closely guarded trade secret, the mould can quickly change shape for every piece of footwear, allowing Fyous to deliver a custom-fit product at mass-manufacturing speed with ultra-low waste.
Alongside their medical-industry-focused trainer, the brand has just launched a “Barefit” shoe for the direct-to-consumer market. With less cushioning and a zero-drop base, it’s designed to help wearers transition into the growing minimalist footwear movement.
“There’s no such thing as ‘standard shoe sizes’ — everyone’s feet are unique”, explains Co-Founder and COO Thomas Bloomfield. “Our unique polymorphic moulding process and foot scanning technology mean we can create footwear that fits perfectly first time, every time. It’s the next evolution of the footwear industry, and we’re excited to be leading the way”.
Currently valued at £10 million, the pair are seeking a further £1 million in funding to accelerate their growth into both the public and private sectors. Interested investors can find out more at Fyous.com and contact Thomas Bloomfield.