mental health

mental health

How Do You Support a Loved One Struggling With Severe Mental Health Issues?

How Do You Support a Loved One Struggling With Severe Mental Health Issues?

When a loved one faces severe mental health challenges, it can send ripples through the tranquility of family life, transforming ordinary days into a series of hurdles. Yet, the role of a supportive family member is critical. As caregivers or close relatives, understanding how to effectively support someone with significant mental health needs is not only helpful but can be transformative.Let’s discover five comprehensive ways to offer support, ensuring your loved one is not alone in their journey. From embracing empathy to navigating the complexities of mental health housing, let’s explore how you can be a steadfast ally.

Educate Yourself About Their Condition

The first step in supporting a loved one with severe mental health issues is to educate yourself about their specific condition. Whether they are dealing with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or severe depression, understanding the symptoms, common challenges, and treatment options can significantly improve the way you support them. 

This knowledge will not only prepare you for the ups and downs but also equip you with the patience to handle tough situations. Libraries, credible online resources, and consultations with mental health professionals can be great starting points. Remember, the more you know, the better you can advocate for your loved one and help others in your family understand their experiences.

Encourage Routine and Stability

Creating a stable, predictable routine can be enormously beneficial for individuals with severe mental health conditions. A structured daily schedule can help reduce anxiety and uncertainty, making the world feel a little more manageable for them. Work with your loved one to establish a routine that includes time for their therapy appointments, social activities, physical exercise, and hobbies. This doesn’t mean forcing a strict schedule upon them but rather gently encouraging consistency in their day-to-day activities. 

Finding the Right Mental Health Housing

Navigating the realm of mental health housing is a significant step in supporting your loved one’s journey to stability and independence. It’s about finding a place where they can feel safe, supported, and part of a community. The first step is to assess the needs of your loved one in consultation with mental health professionals. This will guide you to the appropriate type of housing, whether it’s a supervised group home, an independent living program, or a more intensive residential treatment facility.

These housing options are designed to support residents with mental health challenges by providing various levels of care and supervision, ensuring that each individual’s needs are met. The key is to find a balance between independence and the necessary support. As you explore these options, consider how these environments can contribute to their sense of self-reliance and improve their quality of life.

It’s important to specifically consider specialized options like schizophrenia assisted housing, which is designed to meet the unique needs of individuals with schizophrenia. These facilities often provide targeted therapies, medication management, and community engagement activities that are tailored to alleviate the symptoms of schizophrenia and related disorders. By choosing a setting that aligns closely with their specific challenges, you significantly enhance their chances for a better, more stable life.

Foster Open Communication

Hard conversations can help you provide effective support for a loved one with severe mental health issues. It’s important to encourage them to share how they feel and their experiences without fear of judgment. This means creating a safe space where they can express themselves freely, knowing that they are heard and supported.

To foster this kind of communication, practice active listening. This involves being fully present, avoiding interruptions, and reflecting back on what you’ve heard to show that you understand. It’s also important to be mindful of your language and reactions. Avoid dismissive comments or overly simplistic solutions. Sometimes, the best support you can offer is simply being there and acknowledging their struggles without immediately trying to fix them.

Promote Holistic Wellness

Supporting your loved one’s mental health also involves promoting their overall wellness. Encourage them to try different activities that nourish both their body and mind. This can include regular physical exercise, which has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression, as well as improving sleep and general health.

In addition, consider incorporating nutrition and mindfulness practices into their routine. A healthy diet can positively impact their mental health, and practices like meditation, yoga, or even breathing well can help manage stress and improve mental clarity. Plus, ensure they have access to recreational activities that bring them joy and relaxation. Whether it’s painting, music, or spending time in nature, these activities can provide a valuable outlet for expression and recovery.

Gambling’s Invisible Toll: Unveiling the Mental Health Crisis Among Young Men

Gambling’s Invisible Toll: Unveiling the Mental Health Crisis Among Young Men

The expansion of legalized sports betting across 36 states has driven a surge in the gambling industry. However, experts caution that this growth comes at a price, particularly affecting the mental health of young men.

Easy access to online betting, predominantly through sportsbooks offering incentives like credits and forgiveness for initial bet losses, has a significant hold on the Gen Z demographic.

According to a 2023 report on gambling prevalence in New Jersey by Rutgers University, a third of bettors aged 18 to 24 exclusively wagered online, surpassing those in physical casino settings. This figure is five times higher than a 2017 report from the same institution and exceeds rates in any other age group.

Lia Nower, director of the Center for Gambling Studies at Rutgers University School of Social Work, recently cautioned about the hidden dangers of mobile gambling. She emphasized that individuals could gamble away significant sums discreetly, causing profound family devastation without anyone being aware until it’s too late.

Experts highlight that mobile gambling is fostering potential mental health crises in young men. The earlier individuals engage in gambling and the more varied their gambling activities, the higher the risk of developing gambling-related problems along with mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and thoughts of suicide.

The problem is aggravated by the fact that online casinos are widely accessible to users. Even if gambling is banned in your country, one can easily find foreign casinos, for example, those that accept Canadian dollars. As for these casino sites, players can get them now in a matter of seconds and start playing immediately.

The report also highlighted that men aged 18 to 44 were most susceptible to high-risk problem gambling, with 19% of those aged 18 to 24 at a high risk. Young players aged 18 to 20 were notably more prone to chasing losses and betting beyond their means, according to

The upcoming College Football Playoff games are expected to set new records in sports betting. Experts anticipate unprecedented levels of gambling activity, raising concerns about the escalation of gambling-related issues, especially among the younger population.

What draws people, particularly young men, to gambling? Psychologist James Whelan highlighted dopamine as a significant factor. He compared the release of dopamine in gambling to that triggered by substances like smoking, drugs, or alcohol, possibly being even stronger.

Pamela Brenner-Davis of the New York Council on Problem Gambling pointed out that individuals under 25 are more susceptible to addiction, including gambling addiction, due to their still-developing brains.

Nower expressed concerns that the rush towards legalization might exacerbate mental health problems among bettors. Unlike other addictive behaviors like drinking or smoking disorders, signs of gambling addiction might not be as easily noticeable.

Ultimately, the warnings are clear: gambling addiction might manifest subtly without any apparent telltale signs.

How to Recognize and Address Senior Mental Health Needs

How to Recognize and Address Senior Mental Health Needs

As we or our loved ones enter the golden years, it’s essential to remember that mental health is just as important as physical well-being. Senior mental health plays a significant role in overall quality of life, and recognizing and addressing the needs in this area is crucial. In this article, we will guide you on how to identify signs of mental health concerns in seniors and provide reassurance on how continuing care retirement communities can offer valuable support.

The Importance of Senior Mental Health

Mental health matters at every stage of life, and senior mental health is no exception. The aging process can bring about various life changes, such as retirement, loss of loved ones, physical health challenges, and social adjustments. These changes can impact mental well-being, and it’s essential to be attentive and proactive in addressing senior mental health needs.

Recognizing Signs of Mental Health Concerns

Social Withdrawal

One of the early signs of mental health concerns in seniors is social withdrawal. If you notice a loved one becoming increasingly isolated, canceling plans with friends or family, or showing disinterest in social activities they once enjoyed, it could indicate a need for support.

Seniors who experience social withdrawal may benefit from reconnecting with friends and family. Encourage them to attend social events within their retirement community or participate in group activities.

Changes in Mood

Pay attention to shifts in mood. Frequent sadness, irritability, or expressions of hopelessness may be indicators of depression. Seniors experiencing mood changes may benefit from professional evaluation and support.

Seeking professional support can make a significant difference in addressing changes in mood. Trained counselors or therapists are available to provide counseling and emotional support. Seniors should be encouraged to seek help and not hesitate to discuss their feelings.

Sleep Disturbances

Sleep patterns often change with age, but persistent sleep disturbances, such as insomnia or excessive daytime sleepiness, can impact mental health. Adequate sleep is essential for emotional well-being.

Improving sleep quality is essential for mental well-being. Creating a comfortable and calming sleep environment can promote restful sleep. Seniors should take advantage of serene settings to enhance their sleep quality.

Loss of Appetite

A sudden loss of appetite or changes in eating habits can be associated with mental health concerns. Nutrition plays a crucial role in mental well-being, and seniors should receive proper nourishment.

Proper nourishment is vital for mental well-being. Access to nutritious and well-balanced meals can be a source of support. Encourage your loved one to enjoy these meals in a social setting, which can enhance their overall dining experience.

Memory and Cognitive Issues

Cognitive changes, such as memory loss or confusion, can be signs of conditions like dementia. Early diagnosis and intervention are vital for managing cognitive health.

Specialized memory care programs may be available for seniors dealing with cognitive challenges. These programs offer structured activities and support to help seniors maintain their cognitive abilities.

Increased Worry or Anxiety

Seniors may experience increased worry or anxiety about health, finances, or life changes. Persistent anxiety can affect overall well-being and may require professional assistance.

Addressing anxiety and managing stress is essential for mental well-being. Seniors can participate in relaxation exercises and support groups to help alleviate anxiety and reduce worry. Seeking professional guidance can also provide strategies for stress management.

Addressing Senior Mental Health Needs in Continuing Care Retirement Communities

Continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs) offer a supportive and caring environment for seniors facing mental health challenges. Here’s how these communities can address senior mental health needs:

Comprehensive Assessment

CCRCs typically conduct comprehensive assessments upon admission to identify any mental health concerns. This evaluation helps tailor care plans to meet individual needs.

These assessments are not only a one-time process; they are regularly updated to ensure that seniors receive the appropriate level of care as their needs change.

Mental Health Services

Many CCRCs offer access to mental health professionals, including psychologists and social workers, who can provide counseling and therapy to address emotional and psychological concerns.

Seniors should feel encouraged to seek these services whenever they feel the need, as they can be instrumental in improving mental well-being.

Social Engagement

CCRCs promote social engagement through various activities and programs. Seniors can connect with peers who share similar interests, fostering a sense of belonging and reducing social isolation.

These programs often include art classes, fitness groups, book clubs, and more, providing ample opportunities for seniors to engage with their peers and maintain an active social life.

Healthy Lifestyle

These communities often emphasize a healthy lifestyle, including nutritious dining options and exercise programs. Physical well-being is closely linked to mental health.

CCRCs encourage seniors to participate in exercise classes, swimming, yoga, and other activities that promote physical fitness. These activities not only benefit the body but also boost mood and overall mental well-being.

Structured Routine

CCRCs provide a structured daily routine, which can provide comfort and stability for seniors. Routine can help manage anxiety and provide a sense of purpose.

Seniors living in CCRCs can enjoy a well-structured daily schedule that includes meals, activities, and social interactions. This predictability can reduce stress and enhance mental well-being.

Safety and Security

Seniors living in CCRCs benefit from a safe and secure environment. Knowing they are in a protected setting can reduce worry and stress.

The presence of security personnel and the availability of emergency response systems provide peace of mind to seniors, allowing them to focus on their well-being without concerns about safety.

Family Support and Involvement

Families play a crucial role in supporting senior mental health:

Open Communication

Maintain open and non-judgmental communication with your loved one. Encourage them to express their feelings and concerns.

Family members should foster an environment where seniors feel comfortable discussing their emotions, whether positive or negative.

Regular Visits

Regular visits or contact with family members can provide emotional support and a sense of connection for seniors living in CCRCs.

Frequent visits from family members can brighten a senior’s day and alleviate any feelings of loneliness. Even a simple phone call can make a significant difference in a senior’s emotional well-being.


Encourage your loved one to participate in community activities and events within the CCRC. Involvement in communal life can enhance mental well-being.

Family members can assist in researching and signing up for activities that align with their loved one’s interests and preferences.


Advocate for your loved one’s mental health needs within the CCRC. Ensure that they have access to the necessary services and support.

Families should actively communicate with CCRC staff about their loved one’s mental health status and any changes in their emotional well-being.

Conclusion: Promoting Senior Mental Health

Recognizing and addressing senior mental health needs is a vital aspect of ensuring a high quality of life in the later years. By being attentive to signs of mental health concerns and seeking support when needed, seniors can continue to thrive emotionally and enjoy their retirement years to the fullest.

Continuing care retirement communities offer a caring and supportive environment for seniors, emphasizing holistic well-being. With the combined efforts of families, healthcare professionals, and the community, we can promote senior mental health and provide reassurance that aging can be a fulfilling and emotionally enriching journey.

Pat Baker is an advocate for mental health services, a senior aid volunteer, and a writer for continuing care retirement communities in the Philadelphia area.

Best Rehab Centres in the UK

Best Rehab Centres in the UK

Addiction is a serious issue that affects millions of people worldwide, and the United Kingdom is no exception.

For those who are struggling with addiction, seeking help from a rehab centre can be a life-changing decision. However, with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one.

To help those in need, extensive research has been conducted to identify the top 10 addiction treatment clinics in the UK.

This article will provide an overview of these facilities, including their services, facilities, and success rates, to assist individuals and families in making an informed decision when selecting a rehab centre.

Whether you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, this guide can be a valuable resource in finding the best rehab centre in the UK.

What are the Top 10 Addiction Treatment Clinics?

The top 10 addiction treatment clinics in the United Kingdom can be seen below.

Best Rehab

Best Rehab is a top-notch luxury rehab centre that offers a comprehensive range of therapies and services to help individuals overcome addiction.

From the moment you arrive, you are greeted with exceptional care and attention to detail.

The centre boasts a serene and calming environment that promotes healing and recovery.

One of the unique features of Best Rehab is its personalised treatment plans that cater to the individual needs of each client.

The centre provides evidence-based therapies, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy, alongside alternative treatments, including mindfulness meditation, art therapy, and yoga.

In addition to its core services, Best Rehab offers various additional extras, such as gourmet meals prepared by a private chef, a fitness centre, and access to a swimming pool and sauna.

These extras add to the luxury experience and help clients focus on their recovery.

Overall, Best Rehab is an excellent choice for those seeking a high-end rehab centre that provides personalised care and a wide range of therapies and services.

Its luxurious facilities and additional extras set it apart from other rehab centres, making it a top choice for individuals who want the best possible treatment.

Luxury Rehab

Luxury Rehab is an exceptional rehab centre that lives up to its name by offering the most luxurious suites and beautiful surroundings.

The centre is nestled in a serene and peaceful location, providing clients with a tranquil atmosphere for healing and recovery.

One of the standout features of Luxury Rehab is its spacious and elegantly furnished suites.

The suites are equipped with high-end amenities, including comfortable beds, flat-screen TVs, and en-suite bathrooms, providing clients with a comfortable and relaxing environment.

In addition to its luxurious suites, Luxury Rehab offers a wide range of evidence-based therapies, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy, psychotherapy, and group therapy, to help clients overcome addiction.

The centre also provides spa services, including massages, facials, and body treatments, to enhance the overall experience and promote relaxation.

The team at Luxury Rehab is made up of experienced and compassionate professionals who are committed to providing personalised care to each client.

They work closely with clients to develop individualised treatment plans that address their unique needs and goals.

Overall, Luxury Rehab is an excellent choice for individuals seeking a high-end rehab centre that offers luxurious accommodations and a comprehensive range of therapies and services.

Its stunning surroundings and top-notch spa services make it a top pick for those who want to focus on their recovery in a comfortable and serene environment.

Rehabilitation Centre

The Rehabilitation Centre is an excellent rehab centre that provides top-notch services for individuals struggling with substance abuse and other addiction-related issues.

The centre has a warm and welcoming atmosphere, making clients feel comfortable and supported from the moment they arrive.

One of the standout features of the Rehabilitation Centre is its comprehensive range of services.

In addition to substance abuse treatment, the centre offers therapy and support for other issues, such as mental health disorders, trauma, and eating disorders.

The team of professionals at the Rehabilitation Centre is experienced and knowledgeable, providing clients with high-quality care.

The centre offers evidence-based therapies, including individual counselling, group therapy, and family therapy, to help clients overcome addiction and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Additionally, the Rehabilitation Centre offers aftercare services to ensure that clients have ongoing support after leaving the program.

The team at the Rehabilitation Centre is compassionate and dedicated to helping clients achieve lasting recovery.

They work closely with clients to develop personalised treatment plans that address their unique needs and goals.

Overall, the Rehabilitation Centre is an excellent choice for individuals seeking a rehab centre that offers a wide range of services and a supportive, compassionate environment.

The centre’s focus on evidence-based therapies and aftercare services make it a top pick for those who want to achieve long-term recovery.

Private Rehab

Private Rehab is an exceptional rehab centre that specialises in providing complete privacy and confidentiality for corporate managers, celebrities, and other high-profile individuals.

The centre understands that privacy is a top priority for these individuals and goes to great lengths to ensure that their stay is as discreet as possible.

One of the standout features of Private Rehab is its luxurious and exclusive facilities.

The centre offers high-end amenities and services, including private suites, gourmet meals, and a personal concierge, to ensure that clients receive the highest level of care and comfort during their stay.

Private Rehab also provides a range of evidence-based therapies, including individual counselling, group therapy, and cognitive-behavioural therapy, to help clients overcome addiction and other related issues.

The centre’s team of professionals is experienced in working with high-profile individuals and provides personalised care that meets their unique needs.

The centre’s focus on privacy and confidentiality makes it an excellent choice for individuals who need to maintain a low profile while receiving treatment.

Private Rehab offers a safe and secure environment where clients can focus on their recovery without worrying about the outside world.

Overall, Private Rehab is a top pick for corporate managers, celebrities, and other high-profile individuals seeking a rehab centre that offers complete privacy and confidentiality.

The centre’s luxurious facilities and personalised care make it an excellent choice for those who want the best possible treatment while maintaining their privacy.

Inpatient Rehabilitation

Inpatient Rehabilitation is a top-rated rehab centre that specialises in providing inpatient services to individuals struggling with addiction.

The centre has years of experience helping people recover from addiction and has established itself as a trusted and reliable treatment centre.

One of the standout features of Inpatient Rehabilitation is its comfortable and well-equipped rooms.

The centre offers private and shared rooms, depending on the client’s preference, and provides high-end amenities such as comfortable beds, en-suite bathrooms, and flat-screen TVs.

The centre’s team of professionals is experienced and knowledgeable in treating addiction and related issues.

They use evidence-based therapies such as individual counselling, group therapy, and family therapy, to help clients overcome addiction and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

In addition to its comprehensive range of therapies, Inpatient Rehabilitation also offers aftercare services to ensure that clients have ongoing support after leaving the program.

The centre’s team works closely with clients to develop personalised treatment plans that address their unique needs and goals.

Overall, Inpatient Rehabilitation is an excellent choice for individuals seeking inpatient services for addiction treatment.

The centre’s comfortable rooms, experienced staff, and evidence-based therapies make it a top pick for those who want to achieve lasting recovery.

Steps Together: Rainford Hall

Steps Together Rainford Hall is a highly regarded rehab centre that provides top-quality services for individuals seeking addiction treatment.

The centre is situated in a beautiful and serene location, offering a peaceful and tranquil environment for clients to focus on their recovery.

One of the standout features of Steps Together Rainford Hall is its comprehensive range of therapies.

The centre offers evidence-based treatments such as individual counselling, group therapy, and cognitive-behavioural therapy, to help clients overcome addiction and related issues.

The centre’s team of professionals is experienced and dedicated to providing clients with personalised care that meets their unique needs and goals.

They work closely with clients to develop customised treatment plans and offer ongoing support to ensure long-term recovery.

Steps Together Rainford Hall also provides a range of aftercare services to help clients maintain their sobriety after leaving the program.

The centre’s focus on aftercare and ongoing support makes it a top pick for those who want to achieve lasting recovery.

Overall, Steps Together Rainford Hall is an excellent choice for individuals seeking addiction treatment.

The centre’s beautiful location, comprehensive range of therapies, and dedicated staff make it a top pick for those who want to achieve lasting recovery in a supportive and caring environment.

Addiction Treatment Rehab

Addiction Treatment Rehab is a top-rated rehab centre that offers a range of evidence-based therapies to help individuals overcome addiction and related issues.

The centre is known for its beautiful treatment centre, which provides a peaceful and calming environment for clients to focus on their recovery.

One of the standout features of Addiction Treatment Rehab is its comprehensive range of therapies.

The centre offers individual counselling, group therapy, and other evidence-based treatments to help clients develop healthy coping mechanisms and overcome addiction.

The centre’s team of professionals is experienced and dedicated to providing personalised care that meets the unique needs and goals of each client.

They work closely with clients to develop customised treatment plans and offer ongoing support to ensure long-term recovery.

Addiction Treatment Rehab also offers aftercare services to help clients maintain their sobriety after leaving the program.

The centre’s focus on aftercare and ongoing support makes it a top pick for those who want to achieve lasting recovery.

Overall, Addiction Treatment Rehab is an excellent choice for individuals seeking addiction treatment.

The centre’s beautiful treatment centre, comprehensive range of therapies, and dedicated staff make it a top pick for those who want to achieve lasting recovery in a supportive and caring environment.

Confidential Rehab

Confidential Rehab is a highly reputable rehab centre that specialises in providing addiction treatment services for celebrities and high-profile individuals.

The centre offers complete privacy and confidentiality to its clients, ensuring that they can receive treatment without any unwanted attention or media scrutiny.

One of the standout features of Confidential Rehab is its focus on personalised care.

The centre’s team of professionals is experienced in working with high-profile clients and understands the unique challenges that they face.

They work closely with clients to develop customised treatment plans that address their unique needs and goals.

The centre also offers a range of evidence-based therapies, including individual counselling, group therapy, and cognitive-behavioural therapy, to help clients overcome addiction and related issues.

The centre’s focus on aftercare and ongoing support makes it a top pick for those who want to achieve lasting recovery.

Overall, Confidential Rehab is an excellent choice for individuals seeking addiction treatment who require complete privacy and confidentiality.

The centre’s personalised care, range of therapies, and focus on aftercare make it a top pick for high-profile clients who want to achieve lasting recovery in a discreet and supportive environment.

The Priory Rehab

The Priory Rehab is a highly regarded rehab centre that provides top-quality addiction treatment services.

The centre is known for its focus on personalised care, offering tailored treatment plans that meet the unique needs and goals of each client.

One of the standout features of The Priory Rehab is its comprehensive range of evidence-based therapies.

The centre offers a variety of treatments, including individual counselling, group therapy, and cognitive-behavioural therapy, to help clients overcome addiction and related issues.

The centre’s team of professionals is experienced and dedicated to providing clients with compassionate and effective care.

They work closely with clients to address the underlying causes of addiction and develop strategies for long-term recovery.

The Priory Rehab also provides a range of aftercare services to help clients maintain their sobriety after leaving the program.

The centre’s focus on aftercare and ongoing support makes it a top pick for those who want to achieve lasting recovery.

Overall, The Priory Rehab is an excellent choice for individuals seeking addiction treatment.

The centre’s focus on personalised care, comprehensive range of therapies, and dedicated staff make it a top pick for those who want to achieve lasting recovery in a supportive and caring environment.

Rehabilitation Clinic

The Rehabilitation Clinic is a highly regarded rehab centre that specialises in providing addiction treatment services for a range of addictions, including drug and alcohol addiction, sex addiction, gambling addiction, and more.

The centre’s team of professionals is experienced in working with clients from all walks of life and understands the unique challenges that each addiction presents.

They offer a range of evidence-based therapies, including individual counselling, group therapy, and cognitive-behavioural therapy, to help clients overcome addiction and related issues.

One of the standout features of The Rehabilitation Clinic is its focus on individualised care.

The centre’s team of professionals works closely with clients to develop customised treatment plans that address their unique needs and goals.

The centre also provides a range of aftercare services to help clients maintain their sobriety after leaving the program.

The focus on aftercare and ongoing support makes it a top pick for those who want to achieve lasting recovery.

Overall, The Rehabilitation Clinic is an excellent choice for individuals seeking addiction treatment for a range of addictions.

The centre’s focus on individualised care, range of therapies, and focus on aftercare make it a top pick for those who want to achieve lasting recovery in a supportive and caring environment.


Based on research conducted to identify the best rehab centres in the UK, the top 10 rehab centres are listed above.

These rehab centres offer a range of evidence-based therapies and personalised care for individuals seeking addiction treatment for a variety of addictions.

Some of these centres specialise in providing treatment for specific types of addiction, while others offer luxury amenities or complete privacy and confidentiality.

Overall, these rehab centres provide top-quality addiction treatment services and are highly regarded in the UK.

How a Bus is Providing Healthcare to the Community

How a Bus is Providing Healthcare to the Community
A single-decker bus from Roadshow Promotions, a specialist vehicle promotions company, which has been supporting residents of Richmond and Wandsworth get access to healthcare on their doorstep has had its long-running tour extended until December 2023.

Converted specially for Richmond and Wandsworth Council, and manned by healthcare professionals, the touring bus is a convenient and quick way for residents to get health advice. With a resident pharmacist, as well as community and wellbeing professionals plus plenty of resources for advice and self-referrals, it has been a popular resource for the community.

From minor ailments and flu vaccinations to stopping smoking and mental health advice, the mobile single decker bus is helping communities gain easy access to healthcare. Originally commissioned as a COVID vaccination centre, the bus is now bringing even more benefit to the community with a range of extended health services.
Uroosa Binepal, Community Health and Wellbeing Officer (apprentice), who is on board each day says “My colleagues chose a bus because it gave us the flexibility to visit different areas of our two boroughs in Richmond and Wandsworth. From housing estates to superstore car parks, it has been invaluable in providing health care services to our community.”
“Being visible and accessible means that the community can see us and pop in when it’s convenient for them, whether they’re passing or out doing the shopping.”
The RSP06 single decker has been pre-converted to undertake medical health tours. It has a consultation / treatment room, hospitality / kitchen area, wifi network, AV equipment, internal audio system, staff seating area and built-in worktops for promotional material.
Natasha Greenley, Director of Roadshow Promotions said “We’re delighted that the health bus is providing such a valuable service to communities. The flexibility and mobility of the bus means the team at Richmond and Wandsworth Council can react to the needs of their residents’ wellbeing; helping them provide healthier communities.”
For more information, visit