Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Glasgow Tinnitus Support Group joins national celebration

Glasgow Tinnitus Support Group joins national celebration

Glasgow Tinnitus Support Group is taking part in a national celebration to highlight the positive impact support groups can have on people living with the condition.

The British Tinnitus Association (BTA) is celebrating reaching the milestone of having 100 local support groups all over the United Kingdom which help people living with the often-debilitating hearing condition.

David Stockdale, chief executive of the BTA, said: “We are thrilled to have 100 support groups across the country. These groups play a vital part in helping people who live with tinnitus to manage and talk about their condition.

“We’ve worked hard to develop a strong network of these groups over the last few years and are really pleased that Glasgow has such a proactive group in place, offering those with tinnitus access to the support network they need.”

Tinnitus, described as a sensation or awareness of sound that is not caused by a real external sound source, affects approximately six million people in the UK – ten percent of the UK’s population.

Approximately half of those patients find it moderately or severely distressing, with complaints of intrusiveness, emotional stress, insomnia, auditory perceptual problems and difficulties with concentration.

Alan Hopkirk from Glasgow said: “We are thrilled to be one of the 100 support groups helping to provide an outlet for people with tinnitus to share their stories, hear from guest speakers and learn the latest information about how they can manage their tinnitus.

“We are a very welcoming group and would be happy for new members to join us. Our meeting dates and times are on the BTA website.”

The British Tinnitus Association provides ongoing training, guidance and resources to support group volunteers.

For tinnitus support and to see the directory of tinnitus support groups around the country, please visit the British Tinnitus Association website: or call the BTA’s confidential freephone helpline on 0800 018 0527.

Photo caption: Members of the Glasgow Tinnitus Support Group celebrate reaching 100 groups across the UK.

Editors Notes:
● The BTA is an independent charity which supports 645,000 people per year who experience tinnitus and advises medical professionals from across the world. It is the primary source of support and information for people with tinnitus in the UK.
● The BTA needs to raise £800,000 each year to continue their UK wide support. Donations can be made via:
● Not an illness or disease, tinnitus is a term that describes the sensation of hearing a noise in the absence of an external sound. The noise can have virtually any quality. Ringing, whistling, and buzzing are common, but more complex sounds may also be reported.