Networking with BMFN and Paul Belogour

Networking with BMFN and Paul Belogour

Mr. Belogour is among the more well-known personalities in FX trading, which makes BMFN a recognizable name in every market the company decides to explore and overtake. While the name of Paul Belogour is often associated with Boston, FX trading, and international charity initiatives, he is above all a successful businessman, and vigorous networking is the reason behind many of his successes.

Wintrado Integrates with BMFN through Fix API

Pavel Belogour recently welcomed Wintrado as the latest addition to the ever-growing network of BMFN-integrated financial service providers. The company folded in BMFN online trading platforms into its primary products through the use of Fix API. Both Mr. Belogour and Patrick Oerer of Wintrado expect the integration to enhance user experience and bring more business to both companies.

Wintrado is a well-known FinTech company headquartered in Switzerland. Offering high-quality software solutions for corporate and individual clients alike, the company focuses on diminishing risks for traders while increasing their earnings. One of the critical features that enable Wintrado to stay in business and grow is a unique user experience. The interface is built with the trader’s needs in mind and facilitates access to the most promising and profitable deals.

Pavel Belogour Forging Connections Within and Outside BMFN

Most FinTech providers prefer to stay in place and develop locally, as this approach usually ensures a stable and safe growth. However, Mr. Belogour had never expected BMFN to remain within the bounds of the US. Instead, the company has been widening its reach over the years. While it started with a head office, it now has divisions in a dozen different countries. Even the online trading platform is available in 17 languages, making for a comfortable and hassle-free round-the-clock trading experience for numerous traders five days a week.

Paul Belogour was one of the originators of BMFN, but current CEO and top management have inherited his understanding of what drives innovation and revenue increase. Regular meetings, ideas exchange, brainstorms, and networking sessions are all integral parts of BMFN leadership’s schedule. Lunches, dinners, philanthropic events, trade shows, and more serve as perfect grounds for productive meetings. Instead of using Skype and phone calls, Pavel Belogour and BMFN managers rely on face-to-face meetings to sparkle new ideas in search of ways to further the company’s reach across the globe.

Despite the never-ending ups and downs of stock prices and financial regulations, BMFN remains at the top of the trading FinTech industry. Paul Belogour ensures the company’s success by attending multiple trading shows, professional and informal meetings, and upholding an impeccable reputation. Unseen, this behind the scenes work is integral to BMFN’s continued survival and its ability to offer the best trading experience for newcomer and seasoned brokers around the world.