Professional Cat Grooming at Home

Professional Cat Grooming at Home

In this post I want to share how to clip the nails and call the emergency for your cat. You can read more cat care basic tips on here

Nail Clipping

The nails should be clipped every two weeks and this will prevent the cat from wanting to scratch so often. Only use nail clippers intended for cats. An assistant is good to have to secure the cat. Try to relax the cat before a nail clipping session. Speak soothingly and handle the animal gently but firmly. If the cat offers resistance, a verbal NO should bring the situation under control.

Hold each paw to the light, press the pad gently to cause the cat to extend its claws, and cut only the slightest bit, the white or clear-coloured part of the nail. Don’t cut the quick which is where the clear colour ends and the nail becomes pink. If the quick is cut, a blood vessel will be cut, resulting in a lot of bleeding. If you should cut into the quick and blood appears, alum powder or a styptic pencil should be used to stop the bleeding. Good eyesight and a firm holding are necessary for nail clipping.

PRO tip: the key to successful nail clipping is training your cat right – read these 4 cat training tips to become a real pro cat training.


Go to a vet’s or animal hospital if you think you can’t handle the emergency without causing undo pain and stress on your cat.

Remove tar or engine oil from hairs or paws by applying mineral oil and soaking up the oil with a towel.

To remove chewing gum from hairs or paws, hold a piece of ice on it for a few minutes and break it loose.

Oil-based paints are hard to remove from pet hair when wet, it’s best to allow these to dry and then clip the hairs – never use paint removers or thinners.