5 things you should know before studying the French language

5 things you should know before studying the French language

As against the common myth, learning a new language does not have to be anything fancy or costly. If you are a student-to-be, then trying to be diligent, regular and patient can be the gateway to become fluent in a foreign language. Read this article to find some important habits that you must incorporate in your daily life to make your French lessons easier.

  1. Own a good dictionary.
    Try to get yourself a user-friendly dictionary that can be easily carried around. Make sure the dictionary that it contains help sections translated in your own language. Although not mandatory, get the habit of looking up for new words manually several times during the day. This is a crucial and important tip for anyone who is looking forward to signing themselves up for a French language course.
  2. Practice writing each day.
    This is a common practice among traditional language learners and can be incredibly productive when trying to cram information about a new language. Starting a personal notebook will enable you to build up French vocabulary easily. In order to get the most out of your French language courses, you must start to write the words down and then memorise them. This can help you recognise alphabets more efficiently, helping you distinguish one word from another.
  3. Listen on the go!
    Tuning in to hear French every-now-and-then is another great way to enhance your proficiency in French naturally. You can choose to hear songs from an old CD, watch a French movie online or watch the news at a global French news channel. But of course, it is always better to choose something that has a lot of engaging conversations included and less music.Also if you are truly interested in learning French, another amazing option worth mentioning is to listen to audiobooks while you commute. In this case, you can choose books that come along with translations that can give you an interesting read, allowing you to develop your French language skills
  4. Set yourself achievable goals.
    It is a good idea to invest some time to plan a reasonable target that you would like to achieve. For this you can ask yourself questions, such as:
    “How much time would I like to devote each day to learning French?”
    “What do I do after gaining expertise in the French language?”
  5. Know your abilities, as well as your weaknesses.
    Successfully figuring out the pace of your grasping new language by experimenting with different styles of learning mode can be the best thing to do! Try to analyse if you are a visual or audio learner, or, need to write a lot. Knowing what kind of a learner you are will help you focus on our strengths and get a better grip on the French language.

Choose to learn French in London can be a great start to your language learning endeavour. Apply now!