Thursday, September 12, 2024

Safe distancing – from dog’s owner

Safe distancing – from dog’s owner

MDC (manufacturer of vet and pet products) has been ticking along but as their main customers are the wholesalers, things have been rather quiet … except for one product. 


Surprise sales for MDC


In line with the UK government’s advice to business working with animals, essential in-person services must be provided in a manner that supports 2-metre social distancing, avoiding all unnecessary person to person contact with clients and colleagues. The current lockdown has created numerous challenges to overcome these restrictions and MDC reports a surprise increase in sales of their Dog Park Facility.  Company director Kay Gibbins says “We are seeing really high sales of this product as those working directly with dogs develop techniques for a safe hand-over avoiding any close contact with the owner, dog warden, dog rescue, boarding kennels or vet. Orders took off in mid-April following the release of the BVA and RCVS guidance. The dog park is easy to fix to a wall and the handler can be asked to ‘park’ the dog and step away. This allows the person taking care of the dog to move in and take the dog safely. This approach (with hand washing) meets all the guidelines. As sales in our other vet and pet products have reduced in light of the pandemic, we are pleased that this small but important product is proving so useful”.a

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