Social Media Marketers host FREE Bounce Back Marketing Webinars for small businesses

Social Media Marketers host FREE Bounce Back Marketing Webinars for small businesses


Free events, networking, and mastermind with marketing expertsPeterborough, May 18th — From 2-4 June, DowSocial, a Peterborough based social media and marketing consultancy will be hosting a series of 15 FREE marketing webinars to help give small businesses the tools and expertise to bounce back from the negative impacts Covid19.

With 100’s over businesses across the UK already signed up this is a not to be missed event jam-packed with useful advice, insight and practical help and support for businesses ready to bounce-back.

The series will feature a range of expert speakers talking about marketing topics including social media, web design, email marketing, event management and marketing strategy.

Notable speakers include leading social media software company Sendible, who will be hosting a Q & A around effective ways to plan and schedule social media. There will be a charity networking event where business owners can network via Zoom and proceeds from the small attendance fee goes to charity.

The final event will be a marketing mastermind where business owners can share their challenges and get feedback and advice from peers and industry experts

Kristian Downer, Director of DowSocial said of this event: “Knowing how to market in a time efficient and cost effective way is more important than ever. We have designed these events to give small business owners the tools they need to survive and thrive in difficult market conditions”

To view the full schedule and to secure your place please visit: –

For more information:

Name: Kristian Downer
Position: Managing Director
Contact Details: 07747116155

About the Company. DowSocial is a Peterborough based social media marketing company providing marketing training and support across the UK and beyond. Lead trainer Kristian Downer is a Facebook accredited #shemeansbusiness trainer

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