Conspicuous Crowdfunding workshops set to give businesses a boost

Conspicuous Crowdfunding workshops set to give businesses a boost


START-UPS, individuals, charities, and entrepreneurs are being offered a unique chance to master the art of crowdfunding.

Ian James, managing director at Conspicuous Marketing, and Dave Kelly, who heads up Graphene Business Solutions, are running ‘Conspicuous Crowdfunding’ workshops to share the best ways to access this alternative financing resource.

Crowdfunding is a way of raising money from multiple smaller investors rather than a large contribution from a single source, such as a traditional bank loan.

Keynote speakers from legal, financial, sales, marketing and video production sectors will come together on the workshops to guide attendees through every stage of the crowdfunding process, including the different types available. Attendees will also take part in Q & A sessions with business owners who have been through the procedure, sometimes more than once.

Ian said: “There is a misconception that crowdfunding is simple, all you have to do is set up a crowdfunding page, create a pitch video, add a £50,000 target and watch the money come in. This is just not the case.

“The strategy is the most important part of a campaign. Mapping out each stage of the process and ensuring you have built a marketing communication plan often starting months before the campaign even begins.

“Our workshops bring together leading experts to share their knowledge and experience, enabling businesses, charities and individuals to launch their own campaigns.

“People have seen how successful BrewDog and Monzo have been. Even during this pandemic, individuals and businesses are still investing when they see the right opportunity as shown with Captain Tom Moore’s campaign that raised over £32 million!

“As banks are being so cautious about who they lend money to, businesses and charities need to review their strategy to focus on driving their business in the new world after lockdown.”

Dave explained that it had been frustrating to meet so many inspirational people with fantastic businesses or ideas that could not realise their potential – simply due to a lack of funds.

The pair are currently in discussion with a company that had tried to raise £250,000 on its own but fell well short, securing just £450 in three and a half weeks. And while the proposition was “phenomenal”, the pitch, the introduction and the video were “so wrong” that only friends and family ended up giving cash.

Dave added: “Crowdfunding enables entrepreneurs to get access to much-needed funding without being limited because they do not fulfil the box-checking criteria most commercial lenders use.

“We are passionate about supporting these business leaders to harness those ideas and turn them into a reality as this can only foster positive implications for the community around them.”

Participants complete a questionnaire before the start of the course, allowing Ian, Dave and the team to offer tailored advice to individuals as the program goes on.

The main course takes place at over three half days (8.30am – 1.30pm) on the Zoom platform (June 16, 18 and 23), at a cost of £295 + VAT.

In addition, the founders of Conspicuous Crowdfunding, together with Tech Manchester, are offering a free 90-minute Q&A at 10.30am on June 30. The session which will give start-ups a taster of the crowdfunding process, with five key areas to build their strategy on.

Places for both courses are limited and can be booked on Eventbrite.

For more information, contact:

Ian James on 07971883093 or Dave Kelly on 07866149574

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