Well-Educated and Single? Join the exclusive Club where you are more than a swipe

Well-Educated and Single? Join the exclusive Club where you are more than a swipe

Physical appearance has become very important on most dating apps because we only spend a few seconds on rejecting or accepting what we see.

But for the well-educated elite singles, this is not the way to go. They have much higher standards. They want a space where they can meet like-minded singles. They want to be able to develop an intellectual and professional relationship before deciding if they want to take that relationship to a romantic level.

The Educated Singles Club is such a place. It is an exclusive club where education level and identity is verified for all applicants before they are offered membership. That “The Educated Singles Club” is a club and not a dating site is an important signal to send.

A lot of well-educated singles are perfectly happy with being single, but they will like to meet like-minded singles online and for social- or professional events. And that is a unique feature with The Educated Singles Club.

Educated Singles is the brainchild of Dr. Finn Majlergaard. While completing his postgraduate and doctoral studies at some of the world’s leading universities, Finn became aware of the impact that work, travel and study commitments were having on fellow singles. Together with his team he started to research why so many well-educated people around the world are single. That became the beginning of The Educated Singles Club.

QUOTE “Most of our members don’t like the current dating culture where only your physical appearance mens something. They do however like that they have the opportunity to mingle and socialise in an stress-free, safe environment”

Educated Singles is now proving to be the answer many high-flyers are looking for. The Educated Singles community is more than just an opportunity to meet a partner or soul mate. For men as well as women, the website and offline activities can also be an opportunity to find travel partners, form business relationships and foster other interest based relationships.
This community provides online content and services exclusively for the members such as personal development articles on work/life balance, travel, education and career management. As well as offline events run world-wide targeting the interests and personalities of highly educated individuals.

Notes to editors:
For more information please contact:

Finn Majlergaard
Tel: +33 652 97 31 99
email: info@educatedsingles.com
Visit the newsroom of: The Educated Singles Club