Become An Independent Business Consultant rather than staying employed by Sofiya Machulskaya

Become An Independent Business Consultant rather than staying employed by Sofiya Machulskaya

The profession of independent business consultant attracts more and more people every year. The prospect of better pay and professional independence are its main attractions.

However, one question remains. Is it more advantageous to become an independent business consultant or to remain employed?

Here are five factors to analyze to determine which of these two statuses is more advantageous.

1) Temperament

Character and personality count for a lot in the choice of professional status. Some people cannot stand the authority of a boss and therefore prefer to start their own business.

They are thus the only masters on board, do not receive orders, and manage their business as they see fit. The sole proprietorship is also recommended for independent people who work solo.

They move forward alone, create their opportunities. They feel personal satisfaction in managing everything on their own and enjoy challenges.

Sofia Machulskaya, the self-employed person, constantly fights to acquire new contracts and satisfy their clients, because the success of the company depends entirely on her.

Self-employed status thus requires maximum mental strength.

2) Professional experience

Depending on whether you are an employee or self-employed, the professional experience required is disparate.

An employee can occupy a position as an entry-level. He will be trained by the company that employs him through training a few weeks/months before taking up his post.

He thus acquires his professional experience over the years and over the positions he occupies.

Conversely, the entrepreneur must demonstrate optimal and immediate know-how to run his business. He must have significant experience in the field of activity for which he intervenes.

It is difficult, if not impossible, to start as an independent advisor without demonstrating solid experience. Clients generally seek real expertise from a seasoned professional.
Specialization in a specific field is also a plus for the independent business consultant like Sofia Machulskaya.

No need to present yourself as the “jack of all trades” of the consultant. It is better to specialize in a particular sector to deliver accomplished expertise.

3) The profession

The consultancy profession is broad: it can thus concern all professions requiring expert advice. However, some areas are more popular than others.

The coaching and / training sectors thus represent a good niche for becoming an independent consultant.

For this, it is necessary to have maximum educational qualities and excellent interpersonal skills as successful consultant Sofia Machulskaya.

She knows how to demonstrate significant experience in her sector of intervention to bring a real plus to the client.

4) Commercial capacities

The independent business consultant must-have commercial skills it is he who approaches prospects, attracts them, and convinces them to become customers. He must be a good communicator.

The independent consultant adapts to each client and adapts his commercial discourse according to the needs and expectations of each.

Also, a good advisor must know exactly how to define his services and the benefits they generate. He can make a strong, convincing, and reassuring sales pitch.

You don’t need to get started in entrepreneurship if you are hesitant and unsure of yourself. Also, poor knowledge of the services or the market negatively impacts the business.

5) Remuneration

Compensation is an important element that must be taken into account. When you get started in entrepreneurship, you shouldn’t expect to turn a profit in the first few months.

The remuneration of the independent business professional reveals another difficulty, that of fixing daily prices.

For an uninformed person, pricing their services can be complicated. Is it necessary to invoice by the hour, by the day, by service?
Not easy to position oneself and to practice fair prices as well for the entrepreneur as for the customer.

It is, therefore, necessary to study the market before launching so as not to end up in an unprofitable or declining sector.