5 Ways To Make Your SME Look Big

5 Ways To Make Your SME Look Big

Whilst owning a SME – small & medium enterprise – is certainly something to be proud of, sometimes there can be advantages to making your SME seem bigger than it is.

Not only can a bigger company come across more professional, it can also appear more trustworthy and reliable, therefore bringing in more business from potential new customers/clients.

Let’s look at five ways in which you could make your SME look big.

Your Business Name

They do say it’s all in a name, and this is especially true when it comes to your business. It’s important for your business name to have meaning behind it, and ideally this would relate to the industry you’re in or the services you provide. This can be especially helpful as a small business starting out, if your business name is clear and explanatory then you may find it easier to raise brand awareness.

However, do be careful when thinking about the length of your business name and the wording you choose. For example, a family business might use family related terminology in their business name, such as ‘& sons’, this clearly gives the impression of a family run business. If you want to be seen as a corporate sized business, take some inspiration from some of the bigger corporates. They tend to have shorter, snappier names which are often even just a single word.

If you’re an established SME, don’t worry – there’s still always an opportunity to rebrand under another business name. That’ll also give you a good opportunity to follow some of our other upcoming tips. So long as you communicate with your existing/old clients, there’s no reason at all that you can’t completely change your business’ name.


A Professional Website

If your SME doesn’t have any web presence yet, then you’re missing out on a huge audience of potential clients! So if you’re looking to grow your business in 2021 and beyond, then creating a website is a great place to start.

But we must stress the importance of a clean, professional website which also works well on mobile devices. If you’re serious about your business and want to come across professionally, then this is essential. If you do already have a website but it doesn’t meet up to those standards, then we’d highly recommend talking to a professional web designer – which doesn’t have to be as expensive as it may sound!

Great Branding

Along with choosing the right name for your business, having a great branding package also helps your business achieve a more corporate look.

Think of any powerhouse corporate business and you can probably also picture their logo, brand colours and maybe even their slogan!

Working with a professional graphic designer to help you achieve an iconic logo and colour scheme which can help tell the story of your business, is a great way to help your small business take the next step to becoming bigger.

Workwear or Uniform

This can be crucial if your business involves customer-facing work, or you have staff who must visit clients’ homes. Not only can workwear clothing help your business appear more professional, but it can also help your SME appear bigger. If you think about any corporate chain that you might have visited, you’ll notice that staff are at least wearing a uniform or if not, they’ll be wearing some form of protective workwear or PPE.

But the benefits of professional workwear don’t stop there! If you use the design of your workwear to your advantage, you can also gain free advertising through it and raise your brand awareness.

When considering the design of your staff uniform or workwear, why not consider adding your contact details to the reverse of a workwear sweatshirt?

Your Contact Details

This is something that only too often gets ignored by small business owners and if you’re new to business you might not even see the importance of it. But if you want to give your SME that big corporate feel, then you’ll need a professional looking email address and phone number.

Your email address needs to be simple and memorable, ideally it should be some variation of info@yourdomain.com or hello@yourdomain.com. Not only is this easy to remember if a potential customer sees your contact information and doesn’t have a way to note it down, but it also looks far more professional than a personal email address.

The same goes for a phone number, whilst we all accept that mobile phone usage is far more popular than landline, we still expect a professional business to have a landline number we can get through on.

The good news though is you don’t need to even have a physical landline phone to do this! You can purchase a landline number which is then redirected to your mobile phone, so you can still take calls anywhere, anytime.

We hope these steps have given you some action points to help take your business to the next level in 2021. Most of these tips don’t cost a lot to put into action, and can have a huge effect on how your business is perceived, which can in the long run prove hugely beneficial. We wish you the best of luck when you try them out for yourself.