How to Promote Your Blog Posts in 2021

How to Promote Your Blog Posts in 2021

In today’s article, we are going to show you exactly how to promote your blog posts using the tactics that are working right now (in 2021).

In short: if you want more traffic to your blog, you will love this post.

Let’s get started.

Tactic #1: Use email signature marketing

This is one of the most underrated tactics, but it allows you to promote your blog in every email you send. When you include your latest posts in your email signature, every time a recipient opens your email, they get reminded of your content and hopefully will pay a visit.

What should you ideally include in your email signature as a blog owner?

  • Add your website link to contact info

When you have a website, including it in your email footer is always a must. So, add a hyperlink to it to let people access it easily.

  • Add CTA buttons

Using a clear call to action, you can link to your latest content or encourage sign-ups to your monthly newsletter. Here are a few examples of CTAs: “Read my recent blog post,” “Learn how to…[add a title of your blog post],” “To the blog,” etc.

  • Use banner campaigns

A good promotional banner at the bottom of your email signature is the perfect opportunity to let your recipients know about your blog updates.

Pro tip: We are sure that you don’t want to use a poorly-designed email signature. You want something that makes you look sophisticated and knowledgeable in the eyes of your audience.

A dedicated email signature generator can help you make an enhanced email signature that creates the best first impression.

Most platforms have ready-to-use email signature templates, so you won’t have to worry about putting everything in the right place. Just fill in your contact details and choose the best design.

Below is an example of a well-designed email signature with the promotional banner.

Interesting fact: According to this survey, 48% of marketers use free space at the bottom of their emails to bring more traffic to their websites.

Tactic #2: Add blog posts to your newsletters

Newsletters are another great way to promote new blog posts. Prominent bloggers say that the simpler the newsletter is, the better it works. So, you don’t need any fancy graphics, long intros, and many images.

Often, just a small intro and a link to the post are enough.

But make sure to do it regularly. Ideally, people should know when to expect new content from you.

Tactic #3: Post new articles on social media

94% of bloggers promote their content on social media. However, the same blogging survey found that, even though this promotion channel was popular, it’s not always effective.

But we still recommend you posting your content on social media. It’s easy and doesn’t take much time.

To get better results, you need to get strategic.

For instance, instead of just providing a link to your post, consider outlining some of the most interesting info. If you add a little bit of native content to your social media post, it can work great.

You can also experiment with paid promotion and get influencers to share your posts.

Tactic #4: Consider using Medium

On top of promoting your posts on social, there are a few more strategies to increase your content’s discoverability.

Medium has a huge audience (around 100 million monthly readers). So, it’s definitely a great additional channel that you can use to distribute content and increase your audience.

Thanks to the platform’s high DA (Domain Authority), you have a higher chance of getting traffic to your posts from search. And this is great, especially when you are just getting started.

Another good thing about Medium is that when you backlink from it to your primary domain, these high Domain Authority-links also add SEO value to your own domain.

Interesting fact: Even Barack Obama, a former US president, wrote an article on Medium to support the BLM movement in summer 2020. This confirms that Medium is a pretty relevant online platform to promote your content better in 2021.

Tactic #5: Answer questions on Quora

Check out what people are talking about on Quora, a popular question-answer website.

You can start your investigation with a simple set of relevant keywords.

Let’s assume that your audience is people looking to learn content marketing.

Go to search and look for “content marketing.”

Quora will return a series of the most popular questions that contain your keyword.

This way, you can not only answer with the links to your content but also get valuable insights into what people really care for. Quora is a great source of content ideas.

Tactic #6: Be active in social media groups and communities

Promotion on social media doesn’t end on your page. Be active in communities and groups. When you become an active and respected member of a social media community, you can bring more and more people to your blog easier, because they trust you. Answer people’s questions, post your original content. But be sure not to overdo it with too much post sharing to avoid being penalized.

Tactic #7: Look for your competitors’ traffic sources

You can google for such info; however, you won’t be able to see what works for them and what doesn’t. However, tools such as SimilatWeb or Serpstat allow you to see the exact online resources that send your competitors traffic. Use this information to your benefit.

Final words

The best content creators say that you should spend only 20% of your time writing posts and 80% promoting them. And that’s so true.

Even the most valuable content won’t benefit anyone if they can’t find it.

In this article, we gathered the best tactics to follow if you want to promote your content in 2021 effectively. We hope you will find them useful.

In short:

  • Create a signature for emails and make it promote your content with every message you send;
  • Add your posts to newsletters;
  • Be active on social media (your personal pages and niche communities);
  • Use Medium as an additional channel for content distribution;
  • Check Quora and answer questions regularly;
  • Steal your competitors’ traffic sources.