Alexander Guizzetti Reflects on New Opportunities: Why Is 2021 the Right Time to Start Your Business?

Alexander Guizzetti Reflects on New Opportunities: Why Is 2021 the Right Time to Start Your Business?

Alexander Guizzetti is the founder of venture capital firm 9d Ventures and a natural entrepreneur. His success depends on spotting the most promising businesses in their respective industries, and this has given him significant insight into when and why certain businesses succeed or fail. He weighs in on 2021, and whether it’s the right time for motivated professionals to get a foothold in the market.

The Landscape Is Open

There have been a lot of businesses that have either failed in 2020 or gone through significant restructuring. It’s leaving a lot of gaps to fill in the market and not a lot of people to fill them. It might seem foolish to start something when the economy isn’t as stable as it could be, but according to Alexander Guizzetti, fortune is going to favor the bold right now. There’s a good chance a savvy go-getter can quickly siphon part of the market share without having to clamor to be heard above the noise of their competitors.

Screen Time Is Up

People are watching screens more than ever, and this has given companies more access to consumers they might not have even known existed before. When e-commerce rises alongside internet consumption, there’s a lot to be said for adapting with an ever-evolving customer base. If you can do much or even all of your work online, you’ve got a great chance of meeting your demographic right where they are.

Customers Crave Choice

Customers have found themselves feeling displaced after the pandemic. Their favorite retail locations don’t have the same goods. The services they’re used to receiving have changed in price or in scope. Restaurants have changed their menus because there are fewer people coming in. It’s led to many customers wishing they could have more flexibility built into their experiences. Being given choices has become exceptionally important since the pandemic, and new businesses on the horizon are designed to do just that.

Talented Employees Abound

There’s nothing worse than wasted talent for an entrepreneur, and unfortunately, the pandemic saw a lot of this all over the country. Many non-essential workers have truly valuable skills that went wasted for months. Today, you have the chance to put their intelligence, creativity, and drive to good use. With so many people out of work, you have a pool of workers that are ready to prove themselves. It’s their drive that can only take your business to the next level, and your leadership that can give them pride in themselves.

Funding Is Available

Angel investors never stop looking for the next shining star. A down economy may certainly slow them down but that hunger for strong returns never really leaves them. Considering there are fewer entrepreneurs out there this year, it’s going to be a bit easier to stand out from the pack. If you’ve hammered down your strategy and feel ready to take on the potential tumbles and turns of the next year, now is the perfect time to seek a funding round.

Delays Aren’t Recommended

When it comes down to it, there’s never a perfect time to start a business. No matter how fool-proof an idea is or how great the economy is, there will always be reasons not to take the plunge. Alexander Guizzetti doesn’t want anyone to be held back by fear though. The longer you put off starting a business, the easier it will be to put off. And while there are sound reasons to wait a few months, there just aren’t enough of them in 2021 to justify holding back altogether.

Guizzetti understands the pitfalls of starting a business. He knows that the statistics in many industries aren’t always in a start-up’s favor. However, there’s also a lot to be lost when you sit on your dreams in hopes of a better time. Not only are you more likely to talk yourself out of something but there’s every chance that the market will change and your target customers will no longer want what you’re selling. As a successful venture capitalist, Guizzetti wants to see strong people presenting strong ideas in 2021.