Why virtual outsourcing is saving businesses

The core of the business world in the 21st century has been defined by efficiency and the uptake of tech innovation. Business leaders and managers have always utilised innovation techniques to enable them to focus on business development. As of 2020, technological innovation across all sectors, including e-commerce, was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

At the beginning of the pandemic, Amazon was among the first large employers to authorise remote work when COVID-19 hit the US. Many companies have since followed suit, having realised that technology presented a compelling advantage to collaborating. Teams could now virtually collaborate safely and from the comfort of their own homes.

Ranking high on the Top Business and Technology Trends in 2021, published by Inc.com, is the virtual collaboration of remote staff. “Continued expansion of remote working and videoconferencing” is the predicted landscape of the business world. 

To capitalise on this, tech startups like Zoom provided an efficient video conferencing platform to make it easier for remote workers to collaborate. Zoom wasn’t alone in this race; giants like Webex, Microsoft Teams, and Google Hangouts were also in the running to offer state-of-the-art videoconferencing systems, facilitating remote work across the globe.

With people able to communicate virtually came the ability to get business assistance from others without worrying about geo-locations. 

What is Virtual Outsourcing? 

Virtual outsourcing is the practice of sub-contracting or delegating projects, tasks, or business processes to external contractors through a virtual connection. That essentially means that some of your business functions, tasks, or projects will now be handed over to a seasoned specialist organisation like AVirtual. This Cape Town-based outsourcing company connects expertly trained virtual assistants with business leaders worldwide, offering a cost of 50% less than if outsourced within the UK. 

How does virtual outsourcing benefit my business? 

There are many ways for you to benefit from outsourcing. You get to focus on your business’s core areas, save on costs, infrastructure, and technology. A fully decentralised remote working team means you don’t have to pay for office rentals or running expenses like electricity, water, and health insurance for staff. You can channel that money towards actual business activities instead. You also have the benefit of getting access to skilled resources from around the world. 

Scalability is no longer a problem

Outsourcing creates the capacity for your team to change in size in response to workload changes. Being able to virtually outsource work when the need or capacity arises can minimise paperwork and payroll costs. It also removes Human Resources issues, and if you no longer require extra team members, you can stop using the outsourced company.  

Tips before outsourcing

Always take your reputation into account when outsourcing. A third-party company must emulate the contractor’s reputation to stay within brand guidelines and not damage its brand. When done right, customers won’t be able to tell that they are not dealing with in-house staff. 

Trust is the key

When outsourcing customer care activities or any in-house processes that deal directly with customers, you need to trust your outsourcing service provider fully. Due diligence must be done, including all necessary tests and checks, to verify the outsourced company’s trustworthiness. 

Don’t outsource too early

Outsourcing too early can cause irreparable damage to your startup or business if you’re not careful. This is because if you pick an outsourcing partner without having done thorough research about them or seen their success stories, the chances are very likely that your outsourcing partner won’t share your passion. To them, you’d just be another client. The best products are built by entrepreneurs who share a burning passion for the common agenda. If you already have the product and are now looking to outsource digital marketing to an agency, that marketing agency must understand your brand fully and believe in it succeeding. 

Outsourcing is an essential aspect of business development, no matter the size of your enterprise. Not harnessing its advantages out of fear of possible risk to your business is short-sighted and will cost you in the long run when your competitors own the market. While doable, it is not always realistic for companies to gather resources and handle all aspects of their business internally. Outsourcing is the key.