6 Creative Stages of Branding Design

6 Creative Stages of Branding Design

There are many things that you need to consider when you are designing a brand. With each of these creative stages, you will meet a brand new challenge. But you are already one step ahead of everyone else who is also going through this process because you are trying to find out what each stage is going to involve before you begin. Use this list of creative stages to bring you guidance as you build the brand that you want to be known for.

Figure out what you want to do

Before anything can really truly begin, you first need to know what it is that you want to be doing. Find what you want your business and brand to be about. If you already have an idea as to what you want to be, or maybe you already have your business or brand created and you are just trying to find ways to make it better, you can skip this step entirely.

But if you don’t know what you want to do or what you want your brand to be, this is the first thing that you will need to figure out.

Find a name that relates what what you want to be known for but make sure it’s unique

You want to pick a name for your brand or business that will catch attention, is unique, but is also easy to remember. These three things can be a very difficult task to take on. However, if you are truly ready for the creative stages of branding, you will need to be prepared to think of names. Think on this for a few days as this is the name that you are going to work under while working with your new brand or business. You can change the name in the future, but once people know you by something, this is how they are going to refer to you in the future until the new name gets stuck in their heads like the old one did.

Think about your audience

You want to figure out how to advertise to the audience that you want. This creative stage is a bit more complicated. You have to know what audience you are going for and you have to know exactly what to put out into the world to attract those people. Do your research on things that people in the age range of your ideal audience would like. Once you have a handful of ideas, you can start thinking about how you can use those things to your advantage.

Find a logo that fits your business and brand idea

Your logo is going to mean so much once you get your branding together. This is your brand. Despite what you are doing, what you are creating, who your audience is, and what your name is, your logo is going to be your entire brand. This is the most difficult part of the creative process when you are branding. Start thinking of what you want your logo to look like.

Create a logo that will capture the attention of your ideal audience

Not only do you need to find a logo that represents what you want to be with your brand and business, you also need to make sure that you are choosing a logo that your audience will remember and like. You want it to be unique enough that it captures the attention of your audience. But you want it to be memorable just the same. Find something that represents who you are then alter it to be something that no one will ever forget about or confuse with another brand logo.

Find colors that will be easy on the eyes on different layouts

Think about how your logo will look on different websites and pages. Each website and page is going to have a different layout, size chart, and color palette. You want to make sure that the colors that you choose will work with at least the basic website pages. This means that you shouldn’t choose anything white or black unless you are prepared to outline the logo with another color.

These are the top 6 creative stages of creating your very own business or brand design. Think about all of these things before diving right in so that you have a solid ground to stand on. Knowing these stages before beginning will save you a lot of trouble.