5 Large Corporations That Recently Redesigned Their Logo

5 Large Corporations That Recently Redesigned Their Logo

A logo is the most recognizable branding a company will have because it’s the easiest way for customers to identify a brand. Customers also often trust logos they can recognize. Most major corporations look to redesign their logos every now and again so they can keep up with the times and look modern.

Since logo redesigning is a regular undertaking in many brands around the world, it’s got to be carefully done with a great deal of planning. Most of the global company logos you see today didn’t look the way they do now at first. Frankly speaking, they’re all the result of a consistent redesign effort.

For instance, Apple’s bitten apple logo that you see today never existed before. In fact, the firm’s first logo looked more like a milestone. Virtually all major brands in the world remodeled their logos to express their new business aims.

Why do businesses redesign their logos that are already recognizable and have worked well for years? Well, the answer is that over time, designs become out of date and a new generation of consumers will want to see something more modern.

Take a look at the remodeled logos of some leading brands, and you’ll clearly see that their new logos are much simpler than older ones. After being redesigned, the logos look clean and neat with all the complexity and clutter did away with. With that being said, here are 5 major companies that have had their logos redesigned in 2020.

Apple Music

Since its launch in 2015, Apple Music has gone through a major makeover. Over the years, the brand has seemingly struggled to get its own unique identity that distinguishes it from iTunes. Today, it seems that they’ve finally found that unique brand identity.

On the whole, we can say with confidence that customers like the branding and direction they’re taking. The generic feel and look, as well as the layout and color scheme, feel more like a reputable music streaming service than just another branch off Apple product. Apple Music now has its own distinctive brand identity and is in a fierce but healthy competition with its rival in the music streaming industry, Spotify.

One change you’ll notice between the two rival logos is that they are both using sentence case in their typeface, as opposed to the previous all caps in Apple Music. We think Apple Music redesigned its logo so that they could match Spotify when it comes to design. While the previous all caps typeface might have looked better as it made a stronger statement and seemed more effective, maybe Apple music had other business aspirations when they decided to redesign their logo.


Speaking of vehicles, renowned German carmaker Volkswagen recently decided to give its logo a facelift.

At 80 years old, the famous Volkswagen logo was considered dated and had to be reworked. However, the core concept didn’t change–the letters V and W fitted in a circle. It’s the only feature that has remained unchanged but there’s no shiny chrome and bulky shapes. Instead, the change has only been about style and simplicity.

This new look will look great in the front of electric cars and in the rear of old vans. The concept even looks perfect on a wall in a daring marketing campaign. The reworked monogram stands out more and looks modern.

The general idea behind the simplification and refreshment of the Volkswagen logo is similar to that of Toyota–to be more than ready for the entry of electric cars into the market.

Also, a new monogram can be perfect for creating an icon should Volkswagen look to develop Mobile apps for vehicles in the future. But we aren’t sure if it’s perfect for a luxury class car.


Yahoo! recently replaced its old logo with a new design from Pentagram. But the most surprising fact is that Yahoo! still exists in the first place!  Back in the 1990s, Yahoo! was the go-to gateway to the internet. But these days, it’s just a pale shadow of its former self. It’s a new logo, however, suggests that perhaps the company is not down and out yet and better times lie ahead.

Centered around a Centra No.2 Extrabold logotype, the lettering subtly changed to look more compact and geometric. The new concept has a distinctive vitality accentuated by the exclamation mark that bends at a similar angle to “y”. According to designer Pentagram, this reflects a sense of excitement and momentum.

The brand’s palette is mainly “grape jelly” purple, which stands out on the screen. Meanwhile, the simple “y” monogram is a fantastic favicon that’s suitable for social media. Will this redesign awake this old dog from its slumber? It seems like a long shot, but at least it has made people remember Yahoo! again after ages.


Firefox constantly reworks its logo, so there was little surprise when they recently decided to refresh it once more.

The general idea behind the recent redesign was to do away with details as much as possible. The new design has shed the particulars of a remaining planet, and the fur has lost shades of color and even the paw hugging the world.

To be honest, though, the general simplification has worked well. While the logo remains recognizable and straightforward, it’s more colorful. What’s impressive about this refresh is that there has been a subtle change of colors. Red/orange and purple is the right mix that’s also clearly evident.

Without too many details, the logo isn’t stodgy and muddy. Instead, it’s easily noticeable on a computer screen and quite beautiful to look at. Some creative graphic designers may argue that the logo has lots of room to improve, but it’s distinctive and recognizable.

Firefox ‘s designers have not only managed to update what’s already working but, but also refreshed and simplified our beloved fox at the same time! It’s a job well done!


As part of their wider makeover of Office 365 suite, Microsoft recently decided to refresh the look of the Skype logo.

While many corporations have opted for flatter logo designs in recent years, Skype followed Instagram’s lead by giving its logo a gradient style appearance that’s probably more suited to the mobile, touch-focused context people are more likely to use it on.

The new Skype logo works because today, we look at things through our fingertips. The logo wants to be touched, pressed, and swiped, all with a physical characteristic that reflects the experience of the modern user.

In terms of appearance, adding gradient and brightening color, all while creating levels between the background and foreground circles, made this logo look like it needs to be touched by the user as soon as possible.

The Bottom Line

When redesigning your logo, some crucial points to keep in mind is that the logo should align with the vision of your brand and resize well on both print and mobile.

Monochrome, minimalism, and simplistic but elegant look is what the above five well-known corporations have gone for when updating their logos. They have opted for classy and smooth over gaudy and fancy. These logos are simple and effective.

It seems that modesty is in vogue once again and we hope that this post will help you find the inspiration you need for your logo refresh in 2020 moving forward.