Who is not a good candidate for dental implants?

Who is not a good candidate for dental implants?

The art and skill of dentistry have vastly improved over the years and has made it near impossible for everyone not to have a celebrity smile. Even at the height of its progress, some candidates are still unable to have dental implants. There are numerous reasons why someone would be a bad fit for any kind of dental implants, and despite all the research and effort, you could only find out if you are not eligible when the service has already been performed. This discovery has been made over and over again through the years and cannot be predicted, but there is a checklist that might give you an idea if you are a wrong candidate or not.

Bad bone structure

Candidates suffering from bone disease or illness that affect the bones’ strength will be exempt from having their dental implants done. The reason for this is because the bone can deteriorate and will only be likely to do so once the implant has already been fitted, causing further damage to the jaw bone. Infection can occur if there is irritation, and mouth sores and ulcers can make the healing process uncomfortable and intolerable. Too much damage even after removing the implants could further prevent the patient from having ordinary dentures because the gum is broken down too much.

Patients on medication

Certain medications and steroids that compromise the immune system may cause specific candidates to be unsuitable. If any of the drugs a candidate is on causes suppression like steroids, their immune system will be compromised, affecting their ability to heal. Anyone with habits that include grinding their teeth or clenching their teeth even in their sleep can cause long term damage to the implants because of the constant pressure being applied to them.

Most implants are done through oral surgery that requires anaesthesia. Patients who have other unhealthy habits like smoking or drug use will compromise their ability for the surgery to be successful. Bleeding is common in smoking patients, and the healing process takes much longer. Smoking can also cause infection in the areas where the wounds are still healing, which can be painful and uncomfortable. With that in mind, the patient needs to be in good health for the surgery to succeed.

Chronic illness and high costs

 Chronic illness like high blood pressure or diabetes makes specific candidates bad for dental surgery. Operations that require anaesthesia can cause serious complications, especially if the patient is overweight and on chronic medication for life-threatening illnesses. The procedures themselves can also be very costly for anyone not covered by medical insurance, whether they require an extended stay in hospital or its same day dental implants. The costs can be crippling. Suppose some issues need more medical attention. In that case, it can cause depression and anxiety in patients, which is a health risk if the particular reason for the chronic medication involves their heart or blood pressure. There are certain cases where the medical insurance would only cover a portion of the procedure, and the rest would have to be forked out by the patient. If the only reason the procedure cannot be done is monetary restrictions, then it would be best to talk to the orthodontist and figure out a more viable plan or a type of more affordable denture.