Some Tips to Encourage your Young Learners to Read Actively and Develop their Reading Comprehension Skills

Since reading broadens the mind and the relevance of reading skills can’t be overestimated it is essential to start developing these skills at an early age of your child. The importance of reading comprehension and the benefits of reading are undeniable.

Reading helps your kids to explore the world around them. It develops intuition and imagination, creates a new reality. 

The more children read, the richer their vocabulary becomes, and thus the better their communication skills are. Reading regularly improves both written and spoken communication abilities. 

Today it is fashionable to read and a well-read person is a confident and popular member of any society who gains social benefits. That’s why it is so important to instill in kids interest in reading as early as possible.

While reading children focus on the plot or task, train and improve their memory and enjoy and relax at the same time.

Reading can be passive and active.

Passive reading is reading without any meaningful engagement. It is when you read the same passage several times but can’t acknowledge a word.

Active reading, on the contrary, fully involves the child in the plot and makes them think about what they are reading. 

Here are some definitions to help you distinguish an active reader from a passive one. For instance, an active reader can predict what will happen next in a story, ask and answer questions, comprehend any text or extract. Active reading skills are required to make sense of how the information connects with anything or compare different resources of information, thus active reader succeeds in all kinds of tasks like that. 

It would be better to start teaching children reading comprehension skills when they are in the 4th grade of school because at this age they are able to understand the importance and necessity of effective reading for their future academic, professional and personal life. Comprehension skills are a basis for any academic subject and writing while reading fluency is essential for the understanding of what is being read. By the 4th grade, students should be able to understand, analyze and use the information they get through reading and it will be onerous if they still have to decode words. Regular practice will improve your children’s reading fluency.

Here are some tips to encourage your young learners to read actively and enjoy what they are doing:

– To improve children’s reading comprehension skills read together, show them an example of yourself, surround them with books, and feel free to use a whole series of materials and preschool reading worksheets reading worksheets database.

– Let your little one learn more about what is interesting to him right now. If a child is fond of space and unknown planets, let him read about it. If he is attracted to the world of dinosaurs, pick up books about these animals.

– Unknown words can be a huge difficulty and the reason why the child does not want to read. Explain unknown words, teach your young reader to spell out new vocabulary, and look up the meaning together.

– Retelling might be a great tool for comprehension, so step by step teach children to recall what they have read about. In the beginning, even mentioning some important facts of a story would be a great start on their way to being an exceptional active reader.