6 Effective Ways To Go Vegan For A Healthier You

6 Effective Ways To Go Vegan For A Healthier You

Change is always difficult, especially changing your eating pattern. One such difficult change could be switching from a meat-based diet to a vegan one. 

Following a plant-based diet can seem intimidating, but it won’t be very difficult to follow if you know what to replace in your cooking. It may take some time to get used to avoiding meat and dairy altogether. 

But the changes you will see in your health and the environment will make all the effort worthwhile. Below are some great substitutes for vegan cooking.

Meat Substitutes

You can consider using mock meat in your diet instead of beef; it tastes similar to beef. It is available in the form of burger patties, sausages, etc.

You can also use tofu as a replacement for meat. Another good replacement is soy nuggets – they taste good and will act as a good substitute for beef in curries.

Milk Substitutes

Some of the most common milk substitutes used right now are plant milk or non-dairy milk. However, you could also consider using soymilk, rice milk, almond milk, and coconut milk as a substitute for dairy milk.

You can also consider making almond milk, soy milk, and cashew milk at home. They are easy to make and easier to store. 

Butter Substitute

Nut butter is an excellent alternative to butter. You can also consider using almond butter, peanut butter, and cashew butter.

If you like traditional milky butter, you should search for vegan recipes online and can easily replicate the same at home.

Cheese Substitute

The best option to replace cheese is vegan cheese. You can also use nutritional yeast and cashews as a replacement for cheese.

You can use plant milk in cooking, baking, and in tea/coffee.

You could also try making cashew cheese at home. Nutritional yeast tastes very similar to parmesan cheese and will help in adding a cheesy flavour to all your dishes. You can consider ordering healthy cheese from vegan stores or online stores.

Chocolate Substitute

With the increasing popularity of vegan diets, many famous chocolate brands have started making vegan chocolates. You should consider trying some of the options available in the market.

Dark chocolate is considered to be vegan. Therefore, you should try replacing your regular chocolate with dark chocolate, in addition to being vegan. Dark chocolate has other health benefits as well (great antioxidant properties!).

In addition to dark chocolate, chocolate syrup is also vegan. So you can drizzle chocolate syrup on your vegan breakfast pancakes with an open heart. 

Moreover, you should also use vegan chocolate in making cakes and other desserts.

Go Vegan in Your Breakfast Meals

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you have a good breakfast, your productivity, health and willpower should go up. So you must choose a healthy vegan breakfast each morning.

Have various fruits and veggies ready like fresh bananas, fruits, chia seeds and nut butter.

Some of the great vegan breakfast options can be:

  • Peanut butter sandwiches
  • Smoothies
  • Puddings of chia Seeds
  • Porridge/Oats etc.,

Final Word

Making a diet change is a very big step, but it is for the better. Following a vegan diet might seem a little difficult initially, but the difference will be amazing if you get the right replacements. You can also consider trying out innovative vegan recipes to keep the spark of eating vegan alive. 

Future Farm has some of the amazing meat-substitute vegan recipes that could make your day. Consider visiting your nearest Future Farm store and see for yourself. 

Which meat substitute did you like the most? Let us know in the comments!