Green Boy launches new functional Plant-Dairy Protein™

Green Boy launches new functional Plant-Dairy Protein™

The popularity of plant-based dairy has grown dramatically in recent years, and the products within its range continue to go from strength to strength.

The latest development in this area is a plant-based protein, which can be used within vegan dairy alternatives.

It comes from the Green Boy Group and it is called Plant-Dairy Protein.

It’s a product that can improve the texture and nutritional value of plant-based dairy products, such as vegan friendly yoghurt, ice cream, spreads, butter and even mayonnaise.
Plant-Dairy Protein is also non-GMO and comes in four different types of protein: Pea, Mung Bean, Fava Bean, and Chickpea.

Green Boy Group co-founder Peter van Dijken discussed the development of this product, paying homage to previous proteins developed for meat alternatives.

He said: “After our introduction of Plant-Meat Protein™ in the US and EU last summer, and the tremendous market interest that followed, we were approached by a lot of plant-based dairy producers. The only logical step for us was to develop a functional plant-based protein that specifically caters to the plant-based dairy needs.”

Frederik Otten, co-founder of Green Boy Group, also mentioned that there is a clear demand for this protein.

He said: “The plant-based dairy products are developing rapidly in all sorts of forms and shapes, and you have to be able to keep up with their demands. Our customers want to create the ultimate plant-based cheese, yoghurt or spread.”

Green Boy Group was founded in 2016 and has bases in North America, Europe and Australia.