Stronghold Engineering, Inc. – High-Performance Teams are at the Center of Everything We Do

Stronghold Engineering, Inc. – High-Performance Teams are at the Center of Everything We Do

Companies and businesses do not deliver results. People do. Stronghold Engineering is comprised of an experienced team of skilled building, design, project management, and construction professionals who have years of relevant experience working with clients from a wide range of industries to deliver safe, efficient, and environmentally-friendly projects. Read on below to learn more about our diverse teams, our inclusive work culture, and what drives us to deliver results.

At Stronghold Engineering, our inclusive, welcoming corporate environment helps our diverse workforce bring creative new perspectives and ideas to the workplace. This in turn helps us deliver better effective results to our clients. Thanks to exceptional diversity in experiences, education, and backgrounds, we can build better, stronger relationships with our clients and their communities.

Our People Make Us What We Are

Our competitive advantage comes from the teams of passionate and devoted professionals that deliver excellence in everything they do. Our culture was not formed overnight, and our company would not be where it is today if it were not for the diversity, collaboration, and professionalism of our teams. We try to express our acknowledgment and gratitude for this on a daily basis by creating a warm, welcoming office atmosphere that everyone can enjoy together as a family.

Diverse Backgrounds, Unified Goals

When Stronghold Engineering was founded, we wanted to reimagine what the construction or engineering company of the future might look like. While we focus on measurable efficiencies and achievable goals on a daily basis, our culture, teams, and the commitment of our professionals have an unmeasurable impact on our performance and output. Everything starts with our core principles of quality, safety, teamwork, integrity, and commitment, and based on these values, we first hire and then reward the best teams we can create – teams that have inspired ideas, unique life experiences, and strengths that help us be a better company.

Construction and engineering are very male-dominated industries. We are proud that our teams are highly diverse in every respect, from gender and race to ethnic background and religion. We are an equal opportunity employer and welcome people from every walk of life. Irrespective of your age, ethnicity, physical ability, religious views, gender identity, sexual orientation, or other beliefs, we welcome everyone to join us and strive to create as inclusive, tight-knit, and collaborative a workforce as possible.

Unifying Behind Our Core Values

The result of bringing together so many people from so many backgrounds with so many different experiences, interests, and ideas is a beautiful mosaic of strengths and competencies, a culture in which everyone has a chance to contribute and have their voice heard or idea implemented, a workplace that people can be as comfortable in as they are at home. We all have differences that make us who we are, but we all rally behind our core corporate values of delivering quality in everything we do, creating safe workplaces (and buildings!), working together, working with integrity, and being committed to our shared vision of building a better company and delivering exceptional value throughout all of our service offerings.

Getting it Right Where the Rubber Meets the Road

It is not enough to just have a vision of building a great team or an open office culture. Here we outline how we put our plans into action so that we deliver on the promises and commitments we make to everyone who joins our team.

What Makes a Great Team?

It all starts with an understanding of what a great team is. This means having clear objectives of what everyone needs to do, clear roles that are tied to those objectives, and building clear, concise communication and cooperation into all business processes. We also build in opportunities for development and providing feedback and ideas so that we can iteratively improve every aspect of our business.

Having Strong Leadership

Good and bad teams can have good and bad workers, but good teams will always only have good leaders. To build an effective team, you must first have effective leaders – respected professionals who exert influence even when they are not around, people who establish their leadership with everyone on the team with trust and loyalty, not fear or power. Your leaders must be in touch with the daily activities of the workplace and should be able to act as problem-solver, decision-maker, guide, mentor, or helper as needed.

Leaders must also have the big picture vision of where the company is headed and what needs to be done, as well as the ability to delegate tasks and responsibilities and clearly communicate shared goals.

Cultivate the Workplace

People must be made to feel like they belong, and this takes a conscious effort on our part. We strive to build connections between our team members using retreats, family events, competitions, giveaways, and more, and the more our teams feel connected, the better our collective results – every time, without fail.

Encouraging Feedback and Collaboration

We’ve grown into a leading player in the industry by harnessing the power of our teams’ ideas. We always strive to encourage contribution, collaboration, and feedback from everyone. This has changed from a nice-to-have to a must-have in the social media age of today, because of which new, fresh ideas are required to succeed in a competitive and rapidly evolving environment.

Leveraging Our Operational Savviness

Ok, so we are an analytics and data-driven engineering company, after all, so why not leverage those competencies to build better high-performance teams?

We monitor and review everything we do to identify opportunities for improvement throughout our product and service supply chains. This starts with a few obvious metrics such as financial management and resource efficiency, but we also measure, for example, what everyone has learned over the last quarter, what is working well, what needs improvement, whether everyone is contributing, and whether there are any flags such as workplace toxicity hiding behind the façade of poor performance that need to be addressed.

By diligently measuring everything we do, nipping issues in the bud, and constantly encouraging collaboration, feedback, and ideas, we can constantly evolve and be the best version of ourselves, today and every day.

We’d Love to Meet!

We are always on the lookout for driven, enthusiastic professionals. If an energetic and welcoming workplace, the opportunity to learn, and the opportunity to work with an industry leader on cutting-edge projects is something that might interest you, we invite you to speak with us. You can learn more about our company at or directly browse available positions here. We look forward to meeting you!