New Survey Finds Amazon Among The Most Trusted Social Sites

New Survey Finds Amazon Among The Most Trusted Social Sites

Social media is a highlight reel. We all like to post our vacation photos, brunch locations, and anniversaries for our followers to see. But when do we stop and think that they aren’t the only ones keeping tabs on us. From sponsored ads on social media to recommended movies and TV shows on streaming services, it’s clear that the content we consume and put out there is used to curate content relevant to us specifically.

An online data security survey revealed that it’s a 50/50 split on how many people trust and mistrust social media sites with their personal information. The survey respondents were asked to rate social sites on a scale of 1-10 to determine their trust level. Of the many platforms out there, Amazon was named as the most trusted among the respondents, receiving a rating of 6.7. Google and Youtube followed, receiving ratings of 6.1 each.

While the survey was conducted in February and March of this year, just weeks ago, Amazon was hit with a $887 million fine. According to CNBC News, the retail giant was charged with allegedly breaking the European Union’s data protection laws. An Amazon spokesperson also told CNBC that there has been no data breach and no customer data was exposed to a third party.

When it comes to stolen data, the survey found that 71% of people have had data stolen on Facebook. Other sites that people have had their information stolen on include Instagram (48%), Youtube (33%), and Google (32%). With concerns over privacy, close to half of the survey respondents said they’ve deleted social media accounts, 60% saying they’ve deleted Facebook for that reason.

You can view more of the survey’s findings here.