Women Over 40 – How Poor Nutrition Affects Your Hair?

Dry scalp? Brittle hair? Hair loss? If you’re still struggling with these hair issues even after investing in countless hair products, it may be time to fortify healthy hair from the inside out. Interestingly, nutrition plays a big role in how gracefully your strands age. Many women give their genes credit for shiny, thick hair, but you can’t underestimate the value of good nutrition. A well-balanced diet supplemented with essential vitamins and minerals provides your scalp and hair shaft the nutrients they need to support a healthy hair growth cycle. Keep reading to learn how poor nutrition affects our hair. 

Signs of Poor Nutrition in Your Hair 

If you’re running low on vitamins, you may notice the following hair changes: 

Your Hair is Dry and Brittle

Dry hair is hair that doesn’t have enough oil to maintain its normal texture. Moisture easily escapes dry hair, often causing strands to become brittle to the touch. When your hair is healthy, your natural oils in the outer layer protect the hair shaft; however, when your hair is dry, the outer layer breaks down. As the outer layers break down, your hair becomes dull and unhealthy. Many times, dry hair is frizzy and hard to manage. Dry hair can result from a lack of healthy fats and minerals in your diet. 

Your Hair is Shedding 

Noticing more hair in the drain after a shower? Clumps of hair in your brush? Excessive hair shedding may be an indication of a vitamin deficiency. While it’s normal to lose an average of 100 strands a day, abnormal hair fall could be a sign of a more serious issue. When experiencing excessive hair shedding, medical professionals typically check for thyroid diseases and a vitamin D deficiency. 

Your Hair is Dull

Dull-looking hair that lacks sheen may be a sign of an omega-3 fatty acid and vitamin E deficiency. Dull hair has a matte texture and has a tendency to fall flat. 

Your Hair is Thin

Thinning hair can be an indication that your mane needs extra protein. Hair cells are made up of amino acids, which your body forms by breaking down protein, so if you’re not consuming enough protein, you may start to notice your hair becoming scanter. 

Vitamins and Minerals for Healthy Hair 

Below you will find the essential vitamins and minerals to implement into your diet. Consider eating a protein-rich, colorful diet and taking a healthy hair supplement, like the one from Better Not Younger, which strengthens roots and boosts shine.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A, also known as retinol, has been linked to hair health as it supports the secretion of sebum and helps fight free radicals that make your hair heavy. Vitamin A is found in foods like carrots, peaches, and spinach. While vitamin A supports healthy hair, it’s important to exercise caution since too much vitamin A is linked with hair loss. Observe the recommended daily intake to avoid any negative hair changes. 


Biotin is a B-complex vitamin most commonly known to promote strong hair. Biotin helps increase hair’s elasticity and protects against dryness, which minimizes breakage. Biotin also plays a large role in keratin production, the protein that gives your hair its structure. Foods like brown rice, oats, green peas and lentils are strong sources of biotin. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C has antiviral properties that help fight bacteria on the scalp and remove debris from the follicles. Vitamin C is also essential in your body’s production of collagen, a protein that is associated with hair growth and cell regeneration. Strong sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, peppers, broccoli, and potatoes.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a role in generating new hair follicles, which helps boosts hair growth. To consume vitamin D, reach for foods like fatty fish, egg yolks, fortified cereals and orange juice. 

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that works to neutralize free radicals. It also has been linked to promoting blood circulation in the scalp by increasing oxygen uptake, which helps produce new hair. Vitamin E is also known to improve moisture and shine in strands. Consume foods like spinach, salmon, sunflower seeds, and avocados for vitamin E.


Iron aids in blood circulation by helping carry oxygen to your hair’s roots to support healthy hair growth. Shellfish, spinach, legumes, and red meat are high in iron. You can also get an iron IV treatment to restore low iron levels quickly. To avoid potential side effects of iron infusion, it’s important to get your treatment with a licensed medical practitioner.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids 

Omega-3 fatty acids are a group of nutrients that are linked to improving hair growth and thickness. Omega-3’s provide crucial nutrients and proteins that help moisturize and nourish the scalp and hair. Strong sources of omega-3 fatty acids include avocados, salmon, nuts, and seeds. 


A poor diet can be the culprit of dry, brittle, and lackluster hair. Prioritize a healthy diet to ensure your hair follicles derive the necessary nutrients to support strong, healthy tresses over 40.