Coworking Space Invites Anyone With A Big Idea To Live Digital Investor Pitch Nights

Coworking Space Invites Anyone With A Big Idea To Live Digital Investor Pitch Nights

Achieving business success is never an easy feat. You just can’t get there overnight. Any experienced entrepreneur will readily tell you that things can be particularly difficult – especially if you are at the early stages of your journey.

Sooner or later, you will come to realize that having a great business idea generally isn’t enough to make a name for yourself and catch up with bigger competitors. In addition to that, you will have to develop your product or service well and then spread the word about it in the hopes of attracting customers and establishing your brand. All of these activities would definitely demand a huge deal of time and effort on your part.

To tip the scales in your favor, you need to do more than to work hard. On top of that, it would also be a wise move if you consider seeking financial backing from investors.

According to data gathered by the Angel Capital Association (ACA), angel investors “pour an estimated $25 billion into 70,000 companies each year.” One of your main goals then, as a startup owner, should be to look for willing investors who believe in your vision and in the potential of your business.

But where exactly do you find investors in the first place? And how do you persuade them to invest money and support your company? Well, allow us the pleasure of pointing you in the right direction!

A pitching event that pairs business owners and investors – via Zoom!

Papyrus Advisor, an acquisition advisory venture from Dubai, is teaming up with New York City-based coworking, office and events space provider The Farm Soho. Together, these two companies are aiming to help innovative entrepreneurs meet eager investors looking for the next big thing in the business world.

According to Managing Partner Karim Oumran, Papyrus Advisor aims to create “a platform where we can actually connect smart investors with startups who are ready to expand to other regions, who are more agile than others, faster than their competitors and more aggressive in their own market.”

With his extensive knowledge and experience in business, participants can be assured that Karim is on top of his game and is more than capable of matching startups and investors.

Called the Digital Investor Pitch Night, this online event is definitely something to look forward to for business owners around the world. During the online session conducted via Zoom, entrepreneurs will be allocated 10 minutes each to pitch their business ideas and plans. Prospective investors from different countries will listen, give comments, ask questions, and even offer suggestions. This allows investors to eventually make the right decision as they try to determine which business ideas deserve to receive financial backing.

To put it simply, this legit, easy online investment activity could really spell the difference between staying stagnant or soaring high and giving your business a massive boost. That seemingly short 10-minute pitching time can be the golden ticket towards moving your company forward in leaps and bounds!

What’s more, this amazing opportunity of a lifetime is, in fact, open to everyone who has the foresight to join the event, so make sure that you sign up soon to take full advantage of the potential benefits.

So where and how do you sign up?

To participate in the live Digital Investor Pitch Night, all you have to do is answer 3 simple survey questions found at the end of a Farm SoHo blog about the said event. So far, we are told that this Zoom event will take place later this year. Additional details will be shared with interested individuals through the Farm SoHo newsletter in the weeks to come.

Again, the entire session will be done via Zoom so that means you won’t have to travel or leave the comfort of your homes as you search for the right investor for your business. Just do your best to come up with a concise yet powerful pitch that represents your business concept well and you can bet that you’ll be on your way to grabbing some serious attention – and eventually obtaining some much-needed funding.

“We carefully vet all of our applicants,” Karim pointed out, “so if you can deliver your idea with enough conviction to convince the panel of global investors, you have the power to change your life”.

Keep checking in on the Farm SoHo website for further announcements but in the meantime,  start polishing your business pitch so you can stand out from others. Best of luck and we’re looking forward to seeing you succeed in your industry!