6 Small Changes You Can Make Now to Dramatically Improve Your Mindset

6 Small Changes You Can Make Now to Dramatically Improve Your Mindset

Everyone, no matter who they are or where they are in life, has room for growth. There’s always a way to improve your mindset so you can live a better life. With that said, you might not know exactly where to start. Should I travel more? Should I drink less coffee? Should I change my diet?

The truth is, becoming the best version of yourself takes time. You have to figure out what makes you a better person, and then make decisions based on that. You also have to be consistent. Improving your mindset takes practice and patience. And while it might sound difficult, the journey is worth it. Here are six ways to help boost your mindset:

1. Develop a Morning Routine

Many people think the key to success is creating and maintaining a healthy morning routine. There’s something to be said about starting the day off on the right foot. After all, the better you start the day, the more likely you are to have a good one.

A morning routine can set your day up for success, especially if it consists of things you actually like to do. For example, if you feel more energized after working out, consider starting your day with exercise. If food is your love language, make sure you have enough time in the morning to make yourself a healthy breakfast.

You could also do things like walk your dog before work or create a to-do list before you log on to your computer. Try to clean up your workspace to help declutter where you spend most of your day. Morning routines don’t have to be complex. They should be simple and productive so you can start your day off on a positive note.

2. Get Better Sleep

Good sleep is incredibly important to improving your overall mindset. That’s because sleep plays a huge role in your energy levels and productivity. If you don’t get enough sleep (typically between seven to nine hours a night), you’re doing yourself a huge disservice.

Getting a good night’s rest isn’t necessarily easy, but it’s not impossible. If you struggle to go to sleep and stay asleep, consider making a few changes. For example, you could create a calming environment, avoid caffeine before bed, and swap your cotton pajamas for silk pajamas. Silk’s friction-free surface will lull you to sleep and help regulate your body temperature, too.

By making these and other small changes, your sleep will improve. As a result, you’ll wake up rested and ready to take on the day.

3. Surround Yourself With Positivity

The people you surround yourself with can have a huge impact on how you see yourself and the world. If your friends are negative and your significant other constantly comments on your flaws, you probably won’t have the best mindset. This is especially true if you spend a majority of your time with those people.

On the other hand, if you’re surrounded by people who strive to be positive, your outlook will improve. Stay connected to people who lift you up and are fun to be around. Try to communicate daily with people who are focused on the good in life. Their sunny attitudes just might rub off on you!

4. Put Your Health First

To have a good mindset, you have to feel good physically and mentally. This doesn’t mean you need to work out every day and remove all carbs from your diet. But it does mean you should integrate movement into your life as much as possible. Also try to follow a healthy diet that makes you feel energized instead of tired.

To improve your mental health, make sure you’re regularly checking in with yourself. You can do this by practicing self-care and spending time with people you love. According to research, one in four adults suffer from some sort of mental disorder. If you’re struggling with your mental health, know you’re not alone, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Sometimes, the only way to get better is by admitting you aren’t OK.

5. Reduce Social Media Use

It’s no secret social media can negatively impact your mindset. That’s because much of what we see isn’t 100% real. Social media can be a highlight reel, where people only share the brag-worthy parts of their lives. While it’s great to be able to keep in touch, constantly seeing people’s best moments can make you compare your life with theirs.

Comparisons often bring out insecurities, which can negatively impact your mental health. Do yourself a favor and reduce the amount of time you spend on social media. A good way to start is by tracking exactly how much time you spend on your favorite apps.

A majority of phones automatically monitor phone usage, so you can easily figure out where your time is going. For example, if you spend hours on Instagram, put a plan in place to decrease screen time.

You can turn off your Instagram notifications or designate tech-free zones. You could also use Screen Time (for Apple users) and Digital Wellbeing (for Google users) to set a time limit for various platforms. By limiting the amount of time you’re on social media, you’ll feel better about yourself as a whole.

6. Be Kind to Yourself

You might not realize it, but there’s a chance you are your own worst enemy. So many of us hold ourselves back simply because of our internal dialogue. How do you talk to yourself? Do you constantly focus on your negatives? Are you the first one to question whether or not you’re good enough to succeed?

If so, you should rework your internal dialogue. Keep in mind, this isn’t a one-and-done effort. Changing the way you talk to yourself will take time and a lot of self-awareness. The nicer you are to yourself, though, the better you’ll start to feel.

While the suggestions above might not sound too difficult, chances are you’ll struggle to stick to them at first. Don’t give up. The more consistent you are, the sooner your mindset will improve.