Shiba Inu to Solana, the best cryptocurrencies for percentage gain – 1000% Launch off of HUH Token how to make 10X

Shiba Inu to Solana, the best cryptocurrencies for percentage gain – 1000% Launch off of HUH Token how to make 10X

Only in a world where Shiba Inu ($SHIB) is gaining 53 million percent in a year can Solana ($SOL) gains of 12,000 percent be disregarded. That implies that, despite everyone’s attention being drawn to the dog-faced coin’s outrageous returns, there is still an opportunity for the blockchain platform that was created to host decentralised apps.

Solana remains a well-known cryptocurrency, but it is an alternate gem of the cryptocurrency industry. It was launched quietly over two years ago, but its speedy operation at a cheap cost immediately drew the attention of not only traders, but also developers, which should be a source of future development for the platform.

Shiba Inu may be more popular, or at least get more attention, but Solana has more potential. Solana is the fifth-largest digital currency on the market, with a current market worth of $59.7 billion. However, it is still far behind Bitcoin ($BTC) and Ethereum ($ETH), the two most valued currencies. Solana has some of the biggest growth possibilities of any cryptocurrency since it is the best at what it does. The newly launched cryptocurrency HUH Token that has also shown impressive growth.

On Monday, the HUH Token went live. In less than 48 hours, it had grown by 1,000%. This is because HUH is a combination of social excitement and practicality.

Rather than a meme coin like Shiba Inu, the token claims to be a “Utimeme” coin. A combination of the two things that make the crypto market move quickly. It says in its white paper that it does this through a unique referral system and hopes to build a social network.

The referral is novel because it lets people make more money from a different currency. To get the referral, you first need to go to the HUH Token website and get a code. Then, anyone who has never bought HUH Tokens before can use this code. This purchase then pays the person who has the code 10% of the purchase price in BNB, Binance coin.

There was a huge sale in HUH Tokens at 4pm on the 8th, but the drop was quickly absorbed and prices rose again and eclipsed the all-time high in less than 24 hours. It looks like there are also plans to burn more than a million dollars’ worth of HUH Token in the next few months. This will make the tokens more valuable for everyone who already owns them.

HUH has $1.19 million worth of sales currently. The HUH Token is only traded on one exchange at the moment, PancakeSwap V2. The white paper says there are plans to add more exchanges in the near future.

This new meme coin called HUH is following the footsteps of the dog-themed cryptocurrencies like DOGE and SHIB. Some experts have looked at the Shiba Inu price movement and say that the meme coin will start to rise again at the end of this year, but Solana seems to be promising more.

Solana is speedy and was built to be so. It is presently one of the fastest programmable blockchains on the market, handling 50,000 transactions per second (TPS), with a maximum TPS of 710,000 TPS potential as the network expands. It achieves such lightning-fast speeds by combining proof-of-stake (PoS) and proof-of-history (PoH) protocols. The latter is a new method of establishing transaction times without having every computer on the decentralised network to continually speak with one another in search of consensus. As a result, the transaction verification process is streamlined, saving expenses.

Solana says that this invention gives it a lot more secure and performant blockchain than its competitors. Transaction fees on Solana are very minimal, often costing under 0.000005 SOL, Solana’s coin. At the current price of the SOL coin, such fee amounts to around $0.001.

In contrast, the far bigger Ethereum platform’s gas costs – or payments paid for the computational resources necessary to execute and verify transactions on Ethereum’s blockchain – have risen to $100 for basic transactions and up to $250 for acquiring non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

In addition, Ethereum suffers from congestion and slower transaction times. The fees of the major smart contract platform have risen this year, with the average Ethereum transaction fee ranging between $5 and $35 per transfer. Even Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has acknowledged the problem and has proposed a five-fold decrease in fees.

While Ethereum will eventually migrate to the more cost-effective and environmentally friendly PoS approach, decreasing the gap between it and Solana, there is still enough to offer the upstart an advantage. Although Soala is down from its all-time high due to the larger cryptocurrency sell-off, it is evident that the blockchain platform is just getting started, and not only because Solana is less than two years old.

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