Paraquat Lawsuits: What Are They And How You Can Successfully File A Case

Paraquat Lawsuits: What Are They And How You Can Successfully File A Case

Paraquat is a powerful herbicide linked to severe conditions like Parkinson’s disease, lung cancer, and kidney failure. Despite these risks, paraquat is still widely used in the United States. Many people are exposed to its dangers every day. Furthermore, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) continues to approve paraquat for use on food crops.

If you or a relative have been suffering from exposure to paraquat, you may be entitled to file a lawsuit. When you or a relative has been exposed to it and has developed Parkinson’s disease, cancer, or another serious health condition, it’s essential to seek legal representation as soon as possible. Here’s how a paraquat lawsuit lawyer can help you:

What Is Paraquat?

Paraquat is a herbicide introduced to the American public in the 1960s. The chemical was initially manufactured by a Japanese company called Otsuka, but it has since been purchased by Syngenta, which still produces paraquat for commercial use.

Paraquat is sold in two forms: dry and liquid. The dry version is used primarily in the agricultural industry. When applied to crops, it acts as a powerful weed killer. Meanwhile, the liquid version is typically sprayed directly onto vegetation to clear unwanted plants from large areas.

Paraquat was at one point considered one of the safest herbicides in America. However, that all changed in 1977 when it was linked to Parkinson’s disease for the first time. The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified paraquat as a carcinogen these days.

What Is Paraquat Cancer?

Paraquat cancer occurs when you are exposed to the chemical.

Paraquat is a pesticide that belongs to a class of chemicals called bipyridyl, which is known to be toxic. The WHO has classified it as a carcinogen in 2012, showing its dangerous effects. It has been revealed to cause lung cancer and Parkinson’s disease. Exposure to paraquat can also lead to kidney failure.

You can file a legal case if you suffer from a medical condition due to exposure. However, it’s essential to speak with an experienced paraquat lawyer before taking legal action.

How Can A Lawyer Help Prepare A Lawsuit?

A paraquat lawsuit lawyer can help you create a solid case to deserve the compensation. They can offer to assist in the following aspects:

Gathering Evidence

If you have been suffering due to exposure to paraquat, your lawyer will need to collect a number of pieces of evidence to file a successful lawsuit. It may include:

  • Medical records
  • Testimony from expert witnesses
  • Documentation of your employment history
  • Photos of the damage caused by paraquat exposure
  • Records of any government assistance you have received
  • Receipts for any medical expenses or other damages you have incurred

Locating the Manufacturer

Not all paraquat lawsuits are filed against the same manufacturer. In fact, several different companies produce paraquat in the United States. Your lawyer will need to identify the manufacturer that produced the drug that hurt you.

Paraquat manufacturers have a long history of ignoring complaints about their products’ dangers. It means it’s essential to file your lawsuit as soon as possible to gather the best available evidence.

Contacting the Manufacturer

Your attorney will need to contact the relevant paraquat manufacturer and let them know about your lawsuit. When doing so, they can expect the company to deny all wrongdoing. Even so, your lawyer may be able to negotiate a settlement with them before you file suit.

Settling Your Lawsuit Out Of Court

Many lawsuits filed against paraquat manufacturers are settled out of court. It means that the two parties agree without having to go to trial. If your lawyer can negotiate a fair settlement for you, it can save you time and money.

Filing a Lawsuit in Court

If the manufacturer refuses to settle out of court, your lawyer will file a lawsuit on your behalf. It will start the legal process and allow you to present your case in front of a judge and jury.

Paraquat lawsuits are legal actions that can be taken against the manufacturer after someone has been exposed to the chemical.

Winning Your Lawsuit

Many paraquat lawsuits are successful, and the manufacturer may be forced to pay damages to the victim. However, it’s important to note that these cases can be challenging to win. It is because manufacturers often deny any wrongdoing.

If you have been suffering from paraquat exposure, it’s essential to speak with an experienced paraquat lawsuit lawyer. They can aid you in gathering the evidence you need to file a successful lawsuit.

Paraquat lawsuits can be tricky, but with the help of a good lawyer you can surely obtain justice.